Douglas WWII Air Base Staff
This page contains a database of the personnel who worked at the base during World War II. Click the links below for listings of the staff:
The personnel archive is based on letters, pictures, yearbooks and any other documents that have been donated or made available to the World War II Flight (or Flying) Training Museum and Douglas 63rd Preservation Society.
This site is dedicated to Paul Schlundt, who worked for 30 years accumulating the lists of cadets, personnel and trainers found above. His personal contact with the many men and women who served our country and who were involved in the Douglas 63rd AAF Flying Training Detachment led to volumes of correspondence and photos that documented the history of the Douglas 63rd. Much of the information in this site is possible because of the dedicated commitment of Paul Schlundt.
Additional information was obtained from Steven Burris, whose collection of WWII officer information has proven invaluable in expanding our knowledge of our cadets and what happened to them after they left the Douglas 63rd AAF FTD. Thanks also goes to Sue Harrington, who has spent countless hours searching for cadet information in MACRs, newspapers, and obituaries.