World War II Flight Training Museum and
63rd AAF Flying Training Detachment

Douglas, Georgia

For Schools:
Using the World War II Flight Training Museum in your Lessons

For Schools:
Using the World War II Flight Training Museum in your Lessons

Cadets coming from class
  1. Schedule a field trip to the World War II Flight Training Museum. The Museum is open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays 11:00-4:00. Group tours can be arranged on Thursdays by appointment only. Tour includes two room museum housed in original cadet barracks and restoration hangars. There is also a self-led walking tour of the grounds available. To reserve your tour call 912-383-9111 or email us from the Contact Information page. Tours must be made 3 weeks in advance. Tours are FREE but donations for extra adults are appreciated. Education staff responds to reservation requests during museum open hours, which are Thurs-Sat 11:00am-4:00pm.
  2. Download the WWII and Flight Themed Worksheets and use them as the foundation for a lesson or as a supplement to one of your lessons already prepared. Some worksheets are designed to be used by both elementary and secondary audiences. Use the more challenging questions as part of a classroom discussion or work group.
  3. Check out the Links to Lesson Plans from other sites that we’ve collected in one place for you to use.
  4. Investigate our digitized primary sources, such as documents and photographs, and add them to your lessons. These can be found in the History, Training, Cadets, and WWII Staff sections of the website.
  5. Check out our Prepare for your School Tour page when finalizing plans.
All activities correlate to Georgia Performance Standards for Social Studies. Many aspects of the activities can also satisfy standards for math and science.  
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© 2025 Douglas 63rd Preservation Society, Inc., a non-profit organization