World War II Flight Training Museum and
63rd AAF Flying Training Detachment

Douglas, Georgia

Leo Christian Pawlukanis

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Leo Christian Pawlukanis

European Theater

Highest rank achieved: 2nd Lieutenant, pilot

S/N O-810406

Killed Aug. 3, 1944 in Evrecy, France.
MACR (accident report): #7665.

Born: 1924 in Oklahoma.

He was with the 9th Air Force, 406th Fighter Group, 512th Fighter Squadron.

Pawlukanis was flying a P-47D-11EE plane, serial number 42-75522. He had left Site A-13 with the destination of Vire France on a mission for dive bombing and armed reconnaissance. A statement from the flying control officer follows:

"At 1415, 3rd August 1944, Lt. Brown (Basher 53) called for heading. His wing man was Lt. Pawlukanis (Basher 59). They called for check heading at 1416. Between 1416 and 1422 they were chattering about the heavy flak and at 1422 Basher 53 called for another heading. While Basher 53 was transmitting for this bearing someone called out "I'm bailing out, I'm bailing out." When Basher 53 got his bearing I asked if his wing man was still with him. He replied that he and his wing man had broken in opposite directions when they got into the heavy flak. Since this was the only plane missing from this mission, I think it was Lt. Pawlukanis who yelled "I'm bailing out." Lt. Brown said that they were somewhere close to the front at the time they separated."

Pawlukanis is buried in France.

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