World War II Flight Training Museum and
63rd AAF Flying Training Detachment

Douglas, Georgia

Class 1944-C

Class 1944-C – World War II Flight Training Museum and the Douglas 63rd Preservation Society, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
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(Scheduled to graduate from Advanced as officers Mar. 12, 1944)

Click below for a picture of

Squadron 7, Class of 44-C (opens in a new window)

Squadron 10, Class of 44-C with cadets identified (opens in new window)

Squadron 11, Class of 44-C (opens in new window)

Squadron 12, Class of 44-C (opens in new window)

Abbott, Maclyn
A biography about his time in the service can be obtained from Brigham Young University.
Lt. Col.
Jan. 7, 1922-Nov. 24, 1992.
Buried Riverside National Cemetery, Riverside, CA
See FindAGrave
Abel, Alexander J. Jr.
Ken Landis was his Instructor at Douglas. He was a bombardier instructor, per Bombardier - A History (Volume 1) and ‘Wings Over America’ and book Carlsbad Army Air Field (contains his picture).
Milton, Mass, in 1943
Adcox, Hardie T. Jr.
Flight Officer S/N: T-062741. He was in the 343 Fighter Gp 18 Fighter Sqdn and was killed in a crash due to engine failure in a P-40E (S/N: 41-36167) in Alaska on Oct 2, 1944. (
Jefferson Co., Ala.
His name is on a memorial in Honolulu
Anderson, Robert G.
Archambeault, John L.
Aronson, Joseph H.
Aschenbach, Allen Dalphus
He was in the 401st Bomb Gp 612th Bomb Sqdn and flew B-17s. See
Augustine, Charles H.
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA.  S/N O-826860.
Mt. Clemens, MI.
Baker, William C.
Barbee, Othio C.
Barker, Othio J. (or L.)
Richmond, Va. in 1943
Barrett, Wyman D. Jr.
Bartlett, Donnie W.
Bast, Edward D.
Bastin, Earnest Samuel
He graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N O-826845. He served in Alaska as a cold weather test pilot. He stayed in the Reserve for a period of time.
Arline Bastin, wife.
Of Natrona Heights, PA
Bauer, George McClelland
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA.  S/N O-826840. He was in the 487th Bomb Gp, 839th Bomb Sqdn flying B-17s.

According to Smithsonian Air and Space website, he had 35 missions over Germany in WWII as B-17 pilot. One year in Korean War airlift. Three years Vietnam Airlift 1968-71. Flare/ Forward Air Controller 1971 over Laos (Viet Cong Trail), and Cambodian Airlift, 1975.
He had 30 years between first and last combat missions (subjected to enemy fire).

Lt., retiring as Lt.Col.
Click here for a picture of his crew
Bauman, Norman Joseph
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. He was in the 487th Bomb Grp, 839th Bomb Sqdn flying B-17s. According to what appears to be his obituary, he was born March 23, 1922 in Detroit, MI, and died Dec. 24, 2000 in New Port Richey, Fl. [Source: Tampa Bay Times (St. Petersburg, Florida), 27 Dec 2000, Wed, Page 105]. He also served in the Korean War as a pilot.
2nd Lt.
Beall, Harold Keith
Kenneth Landis was his instructor at Douglas. He graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-826853. He was in the 2nd Bomb Gp 96th Bomb Sqdn. He was Killed in Action Dec. 11, 1944 when, as co-pilot, his B-17 (S/N: 42-31682) crashed and burned on takeoff from Amendola, Italy on a mission to Zagreb, Yugoslavia. ( "The Second was First" a PDF-see p. 411.)
2nd Lt.
Born: Jul. 30, 1924
Buried in Silverbrook Cemetery, Niles, MI
Mother: Maybelle Perry Beall of Niles, MI.
Beelman, James M.
S/N: O-827779. He was in the 19th Bomb Gp 28th Bomb Sqdn (VHB) in Guam flying B-29s. On an assignment at Iwo Jima, some of the air crew joined the army in a patrol. Beelman happened to lag behind the patrol. Suddenly a Japanese soldier arose beside the trail holding a grenade, preparing to throw it. Jim emptied his 45 knocking the soldier down. Then another Japanese grabbed the grenade, fell on it, and was killed when it exploded (source:Walter C. Hulen the crew's Navigator found here).
1st Lt.
Lansing, MI
Bell, Richard E.
Beniaris, Elmer Terry
He became a bombardier, S/N: O-717966. He was in the 93rd Bomb Gp 328th Bomb Sqdn. On Jan. 17, 1945 he was bombardier in a B-24H (S/N: 42-51078) on a mission to Harburg, Germany. Just before reaching the target the plane was hit by flak. The bomb bay burned for about 2 minutes and then the ship exploded. He bailed out. As soon as he, the nose gunner and the navigator hit the ground, they were taken prisoner ground at Luneberg, Germany. The nose gunner died soon after from flak wounds. Beniaris was a P.O.W. at Oberursel (MACR #11752)
2nd Lt.
Chicago, IL
Benson, Joseph J.
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA.  S/N O-826856
Terra Alta, W. Va.
Berreson, Ole B. (perhaps last name is Bergeson)
Berry, Robert Earl
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA.  S/N O-826858. He was in the 82nd Fighter Gp 96th Fighter Sqdn. flying P-38s. On Mar. 19, 1945 while flying a Lockheed P-38L-1-LO Lightning (S/N: 44-24448) in Yugoslavia, he was taken P.O.W. (
Jackson, Miss.
Billig, Donald R.
He was in the 468th Bomb Gp 794th Bomb Sqdn (VHB) as a B-29 pilot. He flew bombing missions in the southwest Pacific and China-Burma-India theaters of operations. Following his discharge, he joined the Air Force reserve at Willow Grove. He then transferred to the 165th Military Police Battalion, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, Lehighton, where he was a platoon leader, company commander and battalion adjutant and held the rank of major.
2nd Lt.
Died Dec. 6, 1985 (see obit)
Click here for info and pictures.
Birnberg, Harold F.
Birtwhistle, John W.
He was in the 19th Bomb Gp 30th Bomb Sqdn (VHB)
1st Lt.
Bishop, Edsel Ernest
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-826859. DuPraw was his Instructor. Edsel went to Macon and Valdosta. Then it was the 15th Air Force in Italy. He was involved in one serious incident when hit by flak and in another incident when he became a Prisoner of War. He received the DFC, Purple Heart, 2 air medals, 7 battle stars, and was nominated for the Congressional Medal of Honor after bringing his plane back from Vienna with the control surfaces shot away, his first pilot critically wounded, and two other men badly hurt. Click here for more info.
2nd Lt
Sayre, PA
Bittner, Norman J.
Bixby, Kenneth Edward
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA.  S/N O-826860. He was in the 303rd Bomb Gp, 359th Bomb Sqdn. See His crew was assigned to the 359BS on 23 Oct 1944. He was pilot on all of the crew's 39 dispatched missions. During the mission #304 return from Mannheim, Germany on 20 January 1944, in B-17G #43-38258 "Forget Me Not Olly"(358BS) VK-H, Lt Bixby landed on the Continent, with 2Lt Copilot Burns badly wounded and who died of his injuries.
2nd Lt.
Chicago, IL
Black, Joseph
After Douglas, he had Basic at Craig Field Selma Alabama in the BT-13. He graduated at Advanced on Mar. 12, 1944 at Jackson AAF flying AT-6 Texans. His father pinned his wings on. He was in the 357th Fighter Gp 362nd Fighter Sqdn in Stationed in Leiston, England starting December 44. He flew P-51's and flew 28 combat missions. His last mission was April 25, 1945. His call sign was "Dollar 55." He remembers escorting a 100th Bomb Group B-17 that was still over France when its right outboard engine was feathered. It was still behind enemy lines. During "the Bulge" he flew escort missions. His plane was hit on two occasions: one by a ME-109 and the other by flak. Neither were serious.
He served from November 15, 1942 to April 17, 1946.
Born in Philadelphia PA in July 1924
Awards: Air medal with 2 oak leaf clusters, 2 Presidential citations and the appropriate campaign ribbons.
Bloomfield, William M.
Blower, Norman A.
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA.  S/N O-828929. He was in the 5th Wing of the 15th Air Force, 301st Bomb Gp. His group was credited with much of the destruction of the Ploesti Oil Fields. Awards: five combat battle stars, the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal.
Wife: Norma Jane Blower
Born June 16, 1922, in Polk County, Fla,
Died May 21, 2003
See Find-A-Grave
Buried Evergreen Cemetery, Paris, TX
Blum, Robert Thomas
Ben Thurman was his instructor at Douglas. Robert graduated from Moody Field, GA. S/N: O-826862. He served in the 8th A.F. with the 34th Bomb Group 391st Bomb Sqdn based at Mendlesham, England (see He earned the DFC and Air Medal with 5 Oak Leaf Clusters. He stayed in the reserve until 1947.
Stroudsburg, PA
Boddin, Frederick Robert
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA.  S/N O-826863. He was in the 401st Bomb Gp 612th Bomb Sqdn/615th Bomb Sqdn. He flew 30 missions in B-17s from 11/09/1944 to 03/24/1945. For his missions, see
1st Lt, later Major
Hazelton, PA.
Boland, William J.
He became a navigator (Selman Field During WWII, Turner Publishing).
Bolton, James L.
Bontekoe, Jacob Ysbrand
Harriss was his instructor at Douglas. He served in the 20th A.F. 509th Bomb Grp. in the Pacific. He was based on Tinian Island. His group dropped the "Bombs" on Japan. He was called again for Korea but did not actually go there. Click here for his bio (a PDF)
1st Lt.
Betty Bontekoe, wife.
Of Linden, Mich.
Booth, Billy B.
He was in the 339th Fighter Gp 505th Fighter Sqdn. He flew 51 missions. See actual footage of him strafing in his P-51 at
1st Lt.
from MI
Born May 18, 1922 Died Mar. 7, 2010
Buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Freeland, MI
Wife: Betty Booth
See Find-A-Grave
Bordman, Joe Julius
Joe graduated from Moody Field, Ga. He served in the Pacific based in Tinian Island flying B-29’s. He flew 25 missions over Japan. He spent 7 years in the active A.F. and 19 more years in the Reserve until 1975.
Janice Bordman,wife.
Cincinnati, OH
Boswell, James Marshall
He graduated from Moody Fld, Ga. He served with the 15th A.F., 301st Bomb Grp.
Mozelle Boswell, Wife.
Of Wilson, N.C.
Bourman, Norman J. Jr.
Bowdish, Theodore R.
At one time, he was at Eglin Field, FL, where he had a landing accident in an AT-6A. He appeared to stay in the air force after the war, for he was transferring from Fort Worth, Texas to the 40th Bomber Sqdn at Roswell, NM in 1953. On Feb 9 1958, severe winter weather appeared to cause the crash of his single engine plane as it flew from Lubbock, TX to Chanute AFB. Both he and his fellow passenger were killed. [Source: Lubbock Morning Avalanche (Lubbock, Texas), 10 Feb 1958, Mon, Page 1.]
Age 40 of Waldorf, MD and Captain when he was killed [Source: Tucson Citizen (Tucson, Arizona), 10 Feb 1958, Mon, Page 16].
Bowles, Paul Nathan
S/N: O-826614. He was in the 357th Fighter Gp 363rd Fighter Sqdn. flying P-51 Mustangs. According to his obituary, one of his friends was Gen. Chuck Yeager, a fellow West Virginian, with whom he shared a life-long friendship.
European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal. World War II Victory Medal - see
1st Lt., rising to Capt.
Charleston, WV.
Oct. 9, 1921-Oct. 8, 1986
Bowry, Francis Thomas
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA.  S/N O-826869 He was in the 489th Bomb Gp 846th Bomb Sqdn. On Aug. 16, 1944 he was co-pilot of a B-24H (S/N: 42-94914) on a mission to Magdeburg, Germany. The plane had dropped its bombs, when a another bomb group came in at an angle to them and dropped their bombs on top of them. The entire plane erupted in flames and broke in half. He was initially reported MIA then KIA (MACR #8586)
Branch, Paul R.
Briggs, Charles W. Jr.
S/N: O-830398. Appears to have graduated with class of 1944-D. He was a P-51 fighter pilot with 353 Fighter Group, 352 Fighter Sqdn (see

See also
Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster awarded in 1945, per The Pittsburgh Press.

1st Lt.
Of Carnegie, PA
April 2, 1923-Jan 23, 1986. See FindaGrave.
Bromley, Charles W. Jr.
After Douglas, he went to Cochran Army Air Field, Macon GA and Columbus Army Airfield, Columbus, Miss, where he was commissioned April 15, 1944 (S/N: O-829370) [Source: The Decatur Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois), 18 Apr 1944, Tue, Page 8], which indicates he graduated with the class of 1944-D. He was in the 351st Bomb Gp 510th Bomb Sqdn, flying B-17s. In January 1945, he received an Oak Leaf Cluster to his Air Medal for his combat missions as co-pilot over Europe [Source: Journal Gazette (Mattoon, Illinois), 31 Jan 1995, Tue, Page 4]. In total he flew 45 missions against Germany and received 5 OLCs [Source: Daily Eastern News: August 22, 1945, Eastern Illinois University].
2nd Lt.
Of Charleston, Illinois.
Born May 23, 1921, Died Jan. 4, 2001
Brown, David Willis
S/N: O-825407. He was in the 12th A.F., 324th Fighter Gp 315th Fighter Sqdn. He was killed in a P-47D (S/N: 44-33135) on Apr. 9, 1945 when his squadron was attacked by enemy aircraft about 10 miles southwest of Ansbach, Germany (MACR #13701).
2nd Lt.
From Massachusetts
Bryder, Paul W.
He became a navigator, S/N: O-722997. He was in the 449th Bomb Gp 718th Bomb Sqdn. He received the D.F.C.
1st Lt.
from IL
Burckhardt, Michael Eugene
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA.  S/N O-826875. According to his obituary, he flew B-24s with the 389th Bomb Group, 566th Squadron in England. See Marshfield News-Herald (Marshfield, Wisconsin), 29 May 2008, Page 2.
Brooklyn, NY.
Married Marie T. Graf in Brooklyn on June 26, 1946.
Born Dec 9, 1922. Died May 24, 2008 in Wisconsin, age 85.
Buried All Soul's Cemetery, Lakewood, Calif.
Burgin, John E.
On Oct. 5, 1943, he had a landing accident with ground loop in PT-17 (42-16234) at Douglas. He probably became a crewman on B-17s based on
Campbell, Eric Mason
He became a navigator in the B-17 "Lay or Bust" in the 100th Bomb Gp 418th Bomb Sqdn. He completed his tour of 35 missions in the European Theatre on 10 Jan 1945, after being shot down twice. See Find-A-Grave for this info and his picture.
1st Lt.
From Alabama
Born: Apr. 26, 1922
Died: Jan. 8, 2007
Buried: Arlington National Cemetery
Carmichael, Odis Franklin
He was in the 12th Squadron at Douglas (see photo above). Odis graduated from Moody Fld, GA   S/N: O-826880. He went to England with the 8th A. F., 2nd Div., 44th Bomb Grp., 68th Sqdn. Click here for a group picture at Douglas
1st Lt.
Nell Carmichael,wife.
Martin, TN
Carver, Weyman S.
S/N: O-827784. He was in the 8th AF flying B-17s. See The American Airmen In Europe by Roger Freeman. Click here for his picture with his PT-17. Click here for his group picture at Douglas.
2nd Lt.
from FL
Chambers, Julius B.
Chernofsky, Paul
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N:  O-826881. He was killed on July 11, 1944 in a flying accident in a B-24D (S/N: 42-41107) at Biggs Field, Texas while in the 235th Combat Crew Training Station.
2nd Lt.
East Orange, NJ. in 1943
Clark, Ben H. Jr.
Coats, Robert Kennon "Bob"
He graduated from Moody Field, GA. S/N:  O-826883. He served in the 15th A.F. 461st Bomb Grp. 766th Bomb Sqdn in Italy flying B-24s. Click here for the War Dept Unit Citation (a PDF) in which Bob is mentioned.
Maxine Coats, wife
From Richmond, VA
Born Dec. 30, 1923
Died Aug. 9, 2011
Buried Virginia Veterans' Cemetery (see Find-A-Grave)
Click here for a group picture at Douglas
Cope, James R.
S/N: O-825412. He was killed in a mid-air collision in a P-51C (S/N: 42-103728) with Lt John Egar on July 20, 1944 at Pinellas AAFd Replacement Training Unit, St. Petersburg, FL.
2nd Lt.
From PA
Cornell, George N.
Cox, Arthur W. Jr.
Cramer, James A.
Curtiss, Sylvanus W. Jr.
Dauenhauer, Richard Farrall
He entered the service on Dec. 11, 1942. Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N:  O-826888. He was in the 486th Bomb Group, 834th Bomb Sqdn. flying B-17s. He is described as the pilot who was flying "Miss Irish" when flak knocked out two of its engines. He continued onto the bomb run at Bielefeld, Germany and brought the plane back to the base under poor weather conditions [Source: Daily Review (Hayward, California), 20 Nov 1944, Mon, Page 3].

He was awarded at least the Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters.

2nd Lt.
Winnetka, IL.
His mother from Hayward, Calif in 1944.

For a picture of his crew and list of missions, see .

Davia, William Lawrence
Davis, Robert Edward
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N:  O-826889. He was in the 2nd Bomb Group 429th Bomb Sqdn. See the database search at He flew in Nov and Dec 1944. On Feb. 14, 1945 he was the pilot of a B-17G (S/N: 44-6659) with a crew of 10 on a mission to Schwechat, Vienna, Austria. After "bombs away" the plane lost altitude and eventually left the formation. The entire crew bailed out over Dubova, Czechoslovakia. He and the crew, except S/Sgt Richard Hearing who was never found, became P.O.W.s (MACR #12107). He was a P.O.W. for 2.5 months. Awards: WWII Victory Medal, Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart, European Middle Eastern Campagn Medal with 4 Bronze Stars.
1st Lt.
From Winnetka, IL
Departure to European Theater of Operations Oct. 13, 1944 arriving Oct. 28, 1944. Returned from France May 26, 1945 arriving in U.S. June 3, 1945.
Click here for a photo
Dermody, James M.
He was a SSgt. with the 301st Bomb Group 032nd Bomb Sqdn. He received the Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster (see
Drust, Theodore J.
Probably graduated from Freeman Army Air Field, Indiana as a twin engine pilot with the class of 44-E (see for his name on the graduation list).
Egar, John Keane
S/N: O-825418. He was killed in a mid-air collision in a P-51C (S/N: 42-103655) with Lt. James R. Cope on July 20, 1944 at Pinellas (FL) AAFd Replacement Training Unit, St. Petersburg, FL.
2nd Lt.
Born 1924
Buried Evergreen Cemetery, Jacksonville, FL
Elliot, Harry Arnold Jr.
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-828990. He was in the 460th Bomb Group 763rd Bomb Sqdn. He was awarded the Air Medal.
Kenmore,  N.Y.
Elwood, Clayton S.
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA.  S/N: O-828991. He was in the 459th Bomb Group 757th Bomb Sqdn. He was awarded the D.F.C. and Air Medal with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters.

He was killed Nov. 2, 1955, when his B-26 lost power in its left propeller during a routine training flight from Mitchell Field on Long Island and crashed into a neighborhood. He and his passenger were killed, but nobody on the ground was hurt. See

2nd Lt.
Fairfield, CT.
Epes, Charles M. Jr.
S/N: O-827794. He was in the 448th Bomb Group 713rd Bomb Sqdn flying B-24 missions over Germany for which he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. After the War, he returned to Princeton U., where he graduated magna cum laude with a degree in economics in 1947.
From Pennsylvania.
February 14, 1923 - March 8, 2013
Wife: Carolyn Livingston Epes
Erne, Ned Allen
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N:  O-826900. He was in the 306th Bomb Group 368th Bomb Sqdn in England flying B-17s. He flew 35 combat missions. Twice his bomber was hit forcing him to land once in an airfield France and once in an airfield short of the home base in England. He received the Air Medal with 5 Oak Leaf Clusters.
Brookline, Mass
Died May 31, 1995, age 76. See his obituary here.
Farber, Jerome C.
S/N: O-717980. He was in the class of 44-05 of the San Angelo, TX bombardier school and became a bombardier in the 484th Bomb Group 826th Bomb Sqdn. On Aug. 22, 1944 he was on a B-24H (S/N: 42-52632) on a mission to Austria. His ship was hit by a FW-190 and dropped out of formation with an engine on fire. Another fighter hit it again, and the crew bailed out. The plane exploded. He became a P.O.W. in Stalag Luft 3 (MACR #7961).
2nd Lt.
Rahway, N.J.
Jerome Farber
(Photo from classbook "Shack" for the San Angelo, TX school - 04/08/44)
Feifar, Theodore A.
Flight Officer T-127431, then S/N: O-1998958. He became a navigator in the 485th Bomb Group 831st Bomb Sqdn
2nd Lt.
Ferguson, John
Foernsler, Robert O. (or L.)
He graduated from Freeman Army Airfield, Indiana in the class of 44-E (click here for his name on the graduation list). He was with the 455th Bomb Group 741st Bomb Sqdn as shown in their 455th Bomb Group Roll Call
1st Lt.
Foote, Robert E.
He graduated with the Navigator Class of 44-06 at Selman Field on April 22, 1944 (S/N: O-723042). See also Selman Field During World War II. He was assigned as a navigator with the 490th Bomb Group 850th Bomb Squadron based at the RAF Station near Eye, England. See
From MI
Forsyth, Allan N.
Freschi, George Francis Jr.
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-826906. He was in the 463rd Bomb Group 773rd Bomb Sqdn. On Dec. 10, 1944 he was pilot of a B-17G (S/N: 44-6190) with a crew of 10 on a mission out of Celene Air Field, Italy (MACR #10689). The flight entered a large cloud bank and split up. His plane and the crew went missing. He was later designated as KIA.
1st Lt.
Queens, NY
A memorial is in the Sicily-Rome American Cemetery and Memorial
Nettuno, Lazio, Italy
Friedman, Leonard C.
Frost, Murl
He served in the Air Depot in Germany, and was in the Air Lift 1951-2-3. Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-826829. Then Headquarters. 3rd AF in London. 1954 to 1958 was in the Pentagon. 1963-4-5-6 He was in the Embassy in Copenhagen. He was in the Headquarters Strike Command when he retired in 1970.
Lt. Col
St. Petersberg, Fl
Frumin, Leonard C.
He graduated from navigation school at Selman Field, Monroe, La. (Class 44-11) and became a navigator in the 100th Bomb Group 351st Bomb Sqdn. See Contrails: My War Record by John F. Callahan Assoc., NY, 1947;; and The Story of the Century or by John R. Nilsson, 1946.
New York City, N.Y.
Born Mar. 21, 1921
Fuchs, Robert
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N:  O-826910. Was a bomber pilot, per his obituary
June 27, 1922-August 15, 2012
From Wantagh Long Island
Gehl, Edward Joseph
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N:  O-826916
Bronx, N.Y Born 1922
George, Edwin E.
Girone, Felix J.
S/N: O-825427. He was in the 339th Fighter Group 503rd Fighter Sqdn. On Nov. 27, 1944 he was flying a P-51D (S/N: 44-14587) on a mission to Derben, Germany. While escorting a fellow fighter that had dropped out of formation due to an oxygen leak, he spotted dogfights occurring above him and went to join the fight. He was shot down over Reckershausen, Germany. His plane crashed and he was killed. His remains were buried in Eimen, Germany (MACR #10548).
1st Lt.
Gloss, Henry M. Jr.
Gousie, Roland E.
He was in the 339th Fighter Group, 505th Fighter Sqdn. On Apr. 15, 1945 while flying a P-51D-10 'Dottie' (S/N: 44-14656) he crashed near Mengen and became a P.O.W. (MACR #13900).
1st Lt.
Pawtucket, RI
Greenburg, Shelden
Gregory, John Burton
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N:  O-826940. He was a pilot in the 15th Air Force in Italy
Fairfield, CT
Married Lucinda Nan Danziger. Info per The Bridgeport Post (Bridgeport, Connecticut), 12 Jun 1955, Sun, Page 19.
Guivens, Harold Clement "Gus"
He graduated from Moody Field, GA. S/N: O-826946. He was trained in B-17's but served in the 15th A.F. 451st Bomb Group in Italy, flying 17 missions in B-24's.
1st Lt.
Pauline Guivens,wife.
Scituate, Mass
Click here for his picture.
Click here for a group picture at Douglas
Hageman, Robert W.
(S/N: 15328068). While still aviation cadets, he and Haigler were killed when their BT-13A (S/N: 41-11049) crashed 18 mi NE of Lawson Field, GA while flying out of Cochran Field, Macon, GA on Dec. 24, 1943. A witness said the plane burst into flames before it struck the ground (per December 26, 1943 newspaper: Evening Star (Washington DC), Page 17).
Son of Mr. & Mrs. Herbert H. Hageman
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Haigler, Harry
(S/N: 14147907). While still aviation cadets, he and Hageman were killed in a crash of their BT-13A (S/N: 41-11049) 18 mi NE of Lawson Field, GA while flying out of Cochran Field, Macon, GA. A witness said the plane burst into flames before it struck the ground (per December 26, 1943 newspaper: Evening Star (Washington DC), Page 17).
Union County, North Carolina
Born Mar. 1, 1924
Died Dec. 24, 1943
Click here for his picture and bio.
Hanson, Robert E.
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. Possibly served with the 447th Bomb Group, per
Helfrecht, Kenneth G.
He was in the 004th Fighter Group 334th Fighter Sqdn. He flew P-51D-10-NA S/N: 44-14110 "Georgie." On April 16, 1945 he had 5 ground victories: 2 ME-410’s, 2 FW-190’s, 1 HE-177. He received Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal (6 OLC), World War II Victory Medal.
1st Lt.
Click here for his bio and picture (a PDF) from
Helms, Ira Lander Jr.
Bert Hood was his instructor. S/N: O-826957. He was in the 485th Bomb Group, 828th Bomb Sqdn.
1st Lt.
Click here for a group picture.
Hess, Russell U.
He became a navigator with the 485th Bomb Group 828th Bomb Sqdn
Hinely, James W.
Hogue, George W. Jr.
He became a navigator per the book, Selman Field During WWII .
Hohler, Charles W.
S/N: O-825440. He was in the 483rd Bomb Group 817th Bomb Sqdn. On Apr. 8, 1945 he was a co-pilot on a B-17G (S/N: 44-6733) with a crew of 10 on a mission to Campodazzo Railroad Station, Italy. His plane was hit by flak and lost two engines. They continued flying but eventually lost all four engines and bailed out. He was a P.O.W. (MACR #13634).
2nd Lt.
Wife: Dorothy Hohler

Scituate, RI
Holloway, Albert W.
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N:  O-575003. Student Officer. He was with the 388th Bomb Group, 560th and 562nd Bomb Sqdn. He flew 25 missions between Nov. 1944 and May 20, 1945.
Holnk, Eddra
Holub, Edward William
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N:  O-826966. He was in the 351st Bomb Group 510th Bomb Sqdn. On Oct 7, 1944 he was co-pilot in a B-17G (S/N: 42-97176) with a crew of 9 on a mission to Politz, Germany. Near the target the plane was hit by flak. They flew to Sweden and landed, and were interned (MACR #9568). They may have been returned on Oct. 24, 1944.
2nd Lt.
Click here for his missions
Huegelmeyer, Eugene J.
Enlisted on Feb. 1, 1943 in Miami Beach, FL. (see
born MD
Huey, Cartheledge L., Jr.
S/N: T-062610. He was in the 77th Fighter Sqdn, 20th Fighter Group between Oct 28, 1944 and the end of the war where he flew a P-51D-5 (S/N: 44-13692 LC-X) "Maggie / Sandy".

He received Air Medal w/ 5 Oak Leaf Clusters, DFC [see

Flight Officer
Died April 9, 2009, age 86
Huff, William Wilson
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-826968. Kenneth Landis was his instructor at Douglas. He transitioned to B-24s.
2nd Lt.
Wife: Shirley Berkeley Wilson.
Born: Jan. 31, 1923, Caledonia, Miss.
Died: May 29, 1982.
Huffman, Robert Sidell
S/N: O-827209. He was in the 71st Photo Recon Group, 82nd Tactical Recon Sqdn. On March 5, 1945 he took off from Lingayen Airfield flying a P-51D (F-6 photo reconnaissance version, S/N: 44-14841) the number four position as wing man for F/O Robert Ross on a mission to bomb and strafe enemy supplies and fuel stored near Cattagoaman (Cattagoaman Nuevo). Over the target, the formation started their bomb run diving down from 8,000'. Afterwards, his aircraft did not rejoin the formation; he may have not pulled up after the bomb run (see and MACR #12924). He has a memorial in the Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines. Purple Heart, per
2nd Lt.
Died Mar. 5, 1945 (See Find-A-Grave)
Hughes, Harry
Jacob, John T. "Jack"
McDonald was his instructor at Douglas. S/N: O-825443. Later he was a fighter pilot assigned to several Fighter Groups (20th, 353rd, 356th, 357th, etc.) in the Eighth Air Force, flying P-47’s and P-51’s in Europe (see
Frisco, CO
Jacobs, David M.
James, Herbert Webster
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N:  O-826977. According to his obituary, he retired from the air force in June 1968 after 27 years of service. He served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam.
born 1922, died 12 Mar 1976 per
From Williamstown, PA
Died at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware.
Buried Arlington National Cemetery.
Jamieson, Lester Robert
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N:  O-826978. He may be the person of Brookfield, OH shown here.
He may have enlisted from Sharon, PA.
Jamieson, Robert L. Jr.
Unclear if this is the same person as the row above. He retired in 1984 as a captain with the 171st Air Refueling Wing, Pittsburgh. He was in WWII. [Source: The Sentinel (Carlisle, Pennsylvania), 16 Nov 1991, Sat, Page 10].
Born Jan. 28, 1922, Lock Four, PA.
Of Shippensburg, PA.
Died Nov. 14, 1991 in VA Medical Center, Lebanon, PA.
Burial Indiantown Gap National Cemetery.
Jandernoa, Donald Louis
He graduated from Moody Field, Ga. S/N: O-826979. He was trained in B-24’s and was sent to the 454th Bomb Grp. in Italy. He bailed out on the coast of Yugoslavia and was rescued after an hour in near freezing water. Click here for a story written by one of his rescuers who was 14 at the time (a PDF)
1st Lt.
Pat Jandernoa,wife.
Grand Rapids, Mi.
Jansonis, Ronald J.
S/N: O-825444. While stationed at Chanute Field, IL, he was killied in a flying accident with co-pilot Francis J. Foley in a BT-13A (S/N: 42-89081) 6 miles southwest of Clyde, OH.
Jarvis, Robert F.
He graduated from Freeman Army Air Field, Indiana as a twin engine pilot with the class of 44-E (see for his name on the graduation list). Flight Officer S/N: T-062985. He was with the 486th Bomb Group 835th Bomb Sqdn. On Jan 21, 1945, while piloting a B-17 (S/N: 42-97998, "Roanoke Magician-8") he was killed. The plane was hit by flak returning from a mission over Germany and went down at Haute-Saone France. A monument was erected at the site in 2000 (see
Jaynes, Roy T. Jr.
He graduated from Moody (S/N: O-2069376). However he was on the last training flight, as a Bombardier/Navigator, before going over seas, and they crashed. All were killed. This happened on Feb. 2, 1945 at Greenville, S.C. Army Air Base Combat Crew Training Station-B in a B-25C.
2nd Lt.
White Pine, TN
Jewell, Robert Gilmore
Bert Hood was his instructor. Moody Fld, GA.  S/N: O-826984. He was the pilot of B-24 Liberator bomber in the Pacific Theater per his obituary
Died May 16, 2012, age 93 per obituary.
Of Pittsburgh, PA
Jewell, Thomas C. Jr.
Johnson, William Arthur
Bert Hood was his instructor at Douglas. He had Basic at Macon, GA. Advanced at Moody Fld, Ga. S/N: O-826988. He was shot down on his first mission but was unharmed. He served in the 8th A.F. in England flying B-17’s. He flew 36 missions. Click here for his bio (as a PDF)
1st Lt.
Dorothy Johnson,wife.
Shickshinny, Pa.
Click here for his picture.
Click here for a group picture.
Jordan, Harold Kenneth
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: T-62767. He may have been in the 660th Bomb Sqdn in Salina, Kansas in 1959 [Source: The Salina Journal (Salina, Kansas), 21 Aug 1959, Fri, Page 13]. A Lt Col Harold K. Jordan was commander of the 909 Air Refueling Squadron at Pratt Army Airfield in Salina, KS, by 30 Jun 1968 (see It is not clear whether this is the same man.
Munith, Mich
Juetten, George Henry
He enlisted in January, 1943. Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. As a member of the 15th Air force, he flew B-24s in 28 missions over enemy territory.

He died at age 24 in an auto accident on 25 Jan 1947 in Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, USA (See FindAGrave).

Cranden, Wisc
Kaplanek, Gerald J.
He was a Flight Officer with the 14th Air Force, 23rd Fighter Group, 118th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron in China flying P-51s (see March 1-March 31, 1945 newsletter).

See also

Kast, John M.
Flight Officer S/N: T-062927. He was in the 451st Bomb Group 726th Bomb Sqdn. On Jan 15, 1945 he was flying co-pilot and was killed in a practice bombing mission in Italy in a B-24. See Missing Air Crew Report 44-49055.
Shawano, WI
Katz, Calvin
Graduated from Jackson Army Airfield in Mississippi. S/N: O-825448. He was in the 20th Fighter Group 077th Fighter Sqdn. On Dec. 6, 1944 he was killed in a flying accident in England in a P-51D (S/N: 44-11327). See 20th Fighter Group website. Received the Air Medal.
2nd Lt.
From NY
Kauffman, Chester B. Jr.
Robert Bailey was his instructor at Douglas. Chester had Basic at Cochran Field, GA and graduated from Moody Field, Ga., S/N: O-826999 as 2LT. He was then checked out on B-24s and was assigned to the 33rd Bomb Squadron of the 22nd Bomb Group in the Pacific on September 1, 1945.
1st LT
Waynesboro, PA.
Born Jul. 24, 1923
Died May 13, 2009
See Find-A-Grave.
Kaul, Henry A.
S/N: O-825449. He was in the 4th Fighter Group 336th Fighter Sqdn. On Feb. 11, 1945 he was the pilot of a P-51D (S/N: 44-63233) on a strafing mission to Minden. On one of his passes, he hit some trees and crashed and was killed (MACR #12322). He was buried Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial, Neuville-en-Condroz Liege, Belgium. See
1st Lt.
From IL
Kavan, Stanley John
He graduated from Moody Field, GA  S/N: O-827000. He served in the 15th A.F. 463rd Bomb Grp. in Italy flying B-17's.
1st Lt.
Milford, Ct.
Kays, Frederick Anthony Jr.
Bert Hood was his instructor. He graduated from Moody Fld, GA, S/N: O-827001. He was in the 505th Bomb Group 484th Bomb Sqdn (VHB)
1st Lt.
From KS
Keany, Hugh J. Jr.
He served as a CPL (See Find-A-Grave)
Born Nov. 20, 1917
Died Jul. 13, 1998
Buried Hillcrest Memorial Gardens,
Fort Pierce, FL
Kear, Franklin Foust
S/N: O-825450. He was in the 311st Fighter Group 529th Fighter Sqdn. On June 18, 1945 he was flying a P-51C (S/N: 42-103827) on a railroad sweep. He was MIA, but returned to duty at Sian, China by June 27 (MACR #14662).
Watsontown, PA
Born Oct. 18, 1920
Died Jan. 25, 1975 (See
2nd Lt.
Kelley, Edward W.
An Edward William Kelley was an aviation cadet at State College, Raleigh, NC in April 1943.
Kelliher, Robert Michael
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827002. He was in the 461st Bomb Group 765th Bomb Sqdn. On Feb. 13, 1945, he was pilot of a B-24 on a mission to the marshalling yard at Maribor, Yugoslavia. His plane was hit by flak and he feathered his no. 2 engine. As he was landing back at the base, he lost his no. 1 engine and crash-landed. His navigator was killed, and he was wounded. (See
Kerns, Leo H.
S/N: O-825453. He flew P-51s in the 20th Fighter Group 77th Fighter Sqdn. He is credited with one victory.
1st Lt.
From IL
Kerr, Erwin H.
He went to Maxwell Army Airfield in Alabama for Preflight training. At one time he was at the 339 Combat Crew Training Station stationed at Thomasville (GA) AAFd (when he had an accident in a P-40N, S/N: 43-24482).

In 1955, an obituary of his father called him Lt. Erwin H. Kerr, suggesting he stayed in the service after the War.

Baltimore, MD
Kessler, Stanley
Kester, John Edwin
S/N: O-824644. He was in the 055th Fighter Group 338th Fighter Sqdn after being in the 15th Fighter Group 45th Fighter Sqdn. On Aug 26, 1944 he was flying a P-51D (S/N: 44-13663) on a bomber sweep to Nancy France. He went MIA, evaded the enemy through Spain with the aid of the French Resistance, and returned to duty (MACR #8532). Then on Jan. 14, 1945 he was killed in action while flying a P-51D (S/N: 44-15405) in a bomber escort mission to Stendal, Germany. After strafing an airfield, his plane was hit by flak and he lost coolant (MACR #11855).
1st Lt.
Born 1923
Buffalo, NY
Air Medal with at least 2 oak leaf clusters.
Click here for his picture and more info
Ketner, Wilbert Lloyd "Will"
S/N: O-827004. Forrest Martens was his instructor at Douglas. He had Basic at Cochran Field and graduated at Moody Field, GA. He then instructed one class at Moody. Then was checked out in B-17’s and sent to the 303rd Bomb Group, 359th Bomb Sqdn at Molesworth, England.
2nd Lt.
Harrisburg, PA
Keves, Douglas O.
Kilargis, Nicholas Peter
Ben Thunnan was his instructor at Douglas. He graduated from Moody Field, Ga. He served in the C.B.I. Theatre, flying B-29’s.
1st Lt.
Of Broomall, PA
Kitterer, Charles H.
Enlisted August 08, 1942. Graduated from Moody Fld, GA.
Washington, NJ. Probably born 1916 (although an enlistment record says 1922).
Died July 17, 1994 in Orlando, FL.
Wife: Laura.
Klaus, George L.
Pickett was his instructor at Douglas. He had Basic at Macon, GA and graduated from Jackson Army Airfield in Mississippi (S/N: O-825459). He was with the 8th A.F., 4th Fighter Grp. 336 Fighter Sqdn. On Nov. 21, 1944 he was flying bomber escort in a P-51B (S/N: 43-6942) to Merseberg, Germany when his plane was hit by flak. He had to bail out and was taken a P.O.W.
1st Lt.
Joan Klaus, wife
Of Weston, CT.
Kortendick, Edward W.
S/N: O-825461. He was in the 364th Fighter Group 383rd Fighter Sqdn. On June 30, 1945 he was killed in a flying accident in Crosthwaite England in a P-51B7 (S/N: 43-6731W). He may have lost power and then hit power lines, or vice versa.
1st Lt.
Born July 23, 1922
He is buried in Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Cemetery, Waterford, WI
(See Find-A-Grave)
Laforet, Henry Alexander
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827012. He was in the 445th Bomb Group 700th Bomb Sqdn
Detroit, MI.
Lambert, John W.
Lammers, Arthur Hartley
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827014. He was in the 97th Bomb Group 340th Bomb Sqdn. On Nov. 17, 1944 he was pilot of a B-17G (S/N: #42-107065) with a crew of 10 on a mission to Brux, Czechoslovakia. On the way to the target, 2 engines caught on fire. It may have been that fire broke out in the electrical circuits on the flight deck. About 8 of the crew bailed out. The plane crashed into the sea off the north coast of Italy. He was MIA and later declared dead (MACR #09877). Five of the crew survived the crash.
2nd Lt.
St. Louis, MO
Larson, Harry E.
Latvis, Harry E.
Leatherman, Joseph Francis
He graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827025. He served over seas and flew B-24’s.
Bradenton, Fla.
Born in Cook County, IL
Died Feb. 6, 1988, age 64, in Bradenton, per The Bradenton Herald (Bradenton, Florida), 08 Feb 1988, Mon, Page 14.
Leventman, Julius
Lewis, George Harold
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827016. His grave marker shows him as Lt.Col.
Mobile, Alabama
Born 24 Jul 1917
Died 22 Mar 1991. See FindAGrave
Litvak, George
He graduated from George Field, IL with the class of 44-D, S/N: O-829512. He flew 16 missions on B-24 'O-Bit-U-Ary Mary' per
2nd Lt.
Believed to be from Cleveland, OH
Loetscher, Edward Arthur
S/N: O-825466. He was in the 020th Fighter Group 055th Fighter Sqdn. On Nov 9, 1944 he was flying a P-51D (S/N: 44-13715) on a mission to Heidelberg. As the flight made a right turn, his belly tank fell off, causing his plane to flip over and crash into the ground. He was killed.
2nd Lt.
From CT
Lomina, George U.
Looker, James E.
Loucks, Robert D.
He was in the 057th Fighter Group 064th Fighter Sqdn
Louwers, Robert J.
He flew P-51’s in the Pacific and was based on Iwo Jima in the 021st Fighter Group 046th Fighter Sqdn flying P-51s. Previous to that he was at the Sarasota AAFd Combat Crew Training Sqdn-F. After the War he stayed in the Reserve until he made Capt.
Mary Alice Louwers, wife.
Of Northville, MT.
For a picture of his fighter from Very Long Range P-51 Mustang Units of the Pacific War By Carl Molesworth, click here.
Lutz, Herbert N.
Magee, George M.
Magnan, Norman G.
Sam Topous was his instructor. He served in China during WWII. Made a career of the Air Force. He retired as a Lt. Col.
Margaret Magnan,wife.
Born Jan. 4, 1919
Died Sep. 23, 1996 (see Find-A-Grave)
Of Chicopee, MA.
Mangine, Leonard P.
He became a technician at the rank of TEC4.
Born Dec. 16, 1923
Died Aug. 21, 1997
Buried Florida National Cemetery
(see Find-A-Grave)
Marek, Rudolph Joseph Jr.
Per his obituary (Miami Herald, The (FL) - Sunday, April 13, 2014): "aka Rudy or 'Uncle Buddy' was a war hero, pilot (Lt. Colonel Air Force - flew in 3 wars) & a man of great integrity. He always had a great story to tell!" His wife, Betty Depew Marek, preceded him in death by 10 years was also placed with Rudy at the National Cemetery Lake Worth, FL with a military honors ceremony.
Born 5/28/1923 Astoria, NY
Died 4/3/2014 Miami, FL.
McCabe, Michael J.
He became a navigator in the 307th Bomb Group 424th Bomb Sqdn (see Selman Field During WWII by Turner Publishing)
Died April 26, 2005
McGee, William J.
S/N: O-825478. He was in the 020th Fighter Group 055th Fighter Sqdn. On Feb 20, 1945 he was the pilot of a P-51D (S/N: 44-13905). He became a P.O.W. in Stalag Luft 7A near Nurenburg, Germany (MACR #12548).
1st Lt.
McNamara, Carroll Joseph
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: T-62771, then O-926914. He was in the 456th Bomb Group 745th Bomb Sqdn. He received the Air Medal with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster.
New Haven, CT.
Meade, Frederick S.
He was a navigator in the 301st Bomb Group 032nd Bomb Sqdn. On Dec. 26, 1944 he was on a mission to Blechammer Germany. As they began their bomb run, the plane was hit by flak. They managed to fly to Russian territory and crash-landed. He and the rest of the crew became evaders. It took about 52 days to return to their 32nd Squadron stationed in Italy. He received the Air Medal with 2 oak leaf clusters and the D.F.C. with oak leaf cluster.
1st Lt.
From NY
Mehrtens, William Raymond
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827021 He is probably the man who developed a visual descent sighting device (see
Yonkers, LI.
Michaud, Laurence L.
On Sept 29, 1943, his PT-17 (41-25733) was hit from above at Douglas by Walter A. Jehli's plane as it landed.
Mikolajczyk, Stanislaus L.
Graduated from Moody Field (S/N: O-827029). He was a B-24 pilot with 93rd Bomb Group 328th Bomb Sqdn based at Hardwick, England.
May 8, 1919 - January 13, 2012
Wife: Wendy (Gwodz)
Clifton, NJ
Click here for his obituary
Parsons, Bob E.
S/N: O-825266. While at Drew Field Replacement Training Unit, Tampa, FL on Aug. 2, 1944 he was injured in a B-17G accident.
Retired disabled 10/14/48 from USAF
Peterburs, Joseph A.
He graduated from Napier Field, Alabama. He was trained on P-40s. He was sent on the ship, Ile De France, to Kings Cliff RAF Station in England. He was in the 20th Fighter Group, 55th Fighter Squadron, flying P-51s, escorting bombers on their missions and defending against German fighter attacks. He flew 49 missions and 269 combat hours. He also served in Korea.
For more information about his interesting war experiences, click here.
Pickett, J. W.
Rosen, Alex
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-1553164. He was in the 463rd Bomb Group 774th Bomb Sqdn
Brooklyn, NY.
Click here for a picture of his crew.
Skibinski, Edward W.
Enlisted Nov. 17, 1942 in Chicago, IL, per
From Cook Co., IL.
Born 1923.
Snyder, John Albert
He had basic at Macon, GA and graduated from Moody Field, GA. F/O T62775. He flew in Italy in B-24's (15th A.F., 98th Bomb Gp., 345 Bomb Sqdn (H). On Sept 12, 1944, he was co-pilot on a B-24J (S/N: 44-40324) on a mission to Germany when his plane was out of position and was attempting to get back into position. It collided with another ship, sending both planes into spins with pieces flying off. Only he and one other crew member survived. His leg was hurt, and he was carried out by his fellow crewmember (MACR #8748). He was a P.O.W. for one year.
Irwin, PA.
Died 1974.
Socha, Theodore W.
Soleau, Raymond H.
S/N: O-830565. He was with the 55th Fighter Squadron, 20th Fighter Group flying P-51s out of Kings Cliffe, Northamptonshire, England. On Feb. 25, 1945 flying a P-51 (Serial number 44-11197), he went missing on a mission to the Magdeburg area. The squadron had a skirmish with some FW-190s, and Soleau was heard to call on the intercom "Nuthouse" and say "I may have to set this ship down." He was MIA and later declared KIA (MACR 12742).
1st Lt.
He appears in the Squadron 11 picture at the top of this page.
Specker, Arthur Henry Jr.
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827065. He was in the 460th Bomb Group 763rd Bomb Sqdn. On Aug. 2, 1944, he was the co-pilot of a B-24G (S/N: 42-78301) with a crew of 10 on a mission to Genoa, Italy. About 20 minutes before "bombs away", his plane had problems and dropped its bombs. No. 1 and 2 engines were feathered. The crew bailed out off the coast of LaSpezia Italy. Specker either drowned or was hit by flak aimed at Allied fighters (MACR #07528).
2nd Lt.
Meadville, PA.
Springfield, Cecil Lomax Jr.
He graduated from Moody Field, Ga and was sent to Italy and flew 27 missions in B-24’s. Click here for his bio (a PDF).
Memphis, TN.
Sprouse, Ernest Marion
Ashley DuPraw was his instructor. He was delayed to class 44D at Basic at Cochran. He graduated from Napier Fld, AL. S/N: O-830568. Then to P-47's, transition and gunnery. He served in France and Germany with the 9th A. F. 406th Fighter Group, 512th Sqdn. He flew 53 missions.
1st Lt.
Rock Hill, S.C.
Squires, Delbert Louis
From his obituary: he was a "pilot in the U.S. Army Air Corps"
East Hartford, CT
Died July 16, 1999
Wife: E. Ruth Squires
See obituary
Stewart, Forrest Jeremiah
He graduated from Moody Fld, GA. He had Basic at Cochran Field, GA and graduated from Moody Field, GA. Later he was in the 423rd Bomb Sqdn. 306th Bomb Group flying B-17’s.
The Woodlands, TX
Stout, Therell Asbury
He was in the 20th AF Bomb Group flying B-29s in the Pacific Theater. He achieved the rank of U.S. Air Force Lt. Colonel. See Find-A-Grave
Born Apr. 18, 1922
Thomasville, NC
Died Jan. 13, 2011
Greenville, SC.
Wife: Louise Harris Stout
Sullivan, John H.
Ken Landis was his instructor
Taylor, Robert B.
S/N: O-825508. He had training at Millville AAFd Replacement Training Unit flying P-47's.
2nd Lt.
Thomas, Kessler O.
S/N: O-830579. He was in the 339th Fighter Group 505th Fighter Sqdn. He was killed in action on Feb 6, 1945 in England.
1st Lt.
Born Nov. 10, 1917
See Find-A-Grave
Thompson, Harry L.
Threlkeld, Walter Fred
S/N: O-826800. After the War he became a Major and served as a Commander of Detachment 2, 1000th Satellite Operations Group (per a web site that is no longer running). He is documented as a Captain in the USAF reserves in 1958.
Born 02/05/1923
Died 09/20/2010.
Buried in Nacoochee Meth Church Cemetery, which is located in Sautee Nacoochee, GA.
Toth, John
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA S/N: O-827080. He was in the 15th AF 82nd Fighter Group as a pilot.
1st Lt.
Trainer, Frank J.
Trotta, Leonard Richard
Leonard had basic at Macon, and graduated from Moody Field, GA. S/N: O-827082. He went to England with the 8th A.F. 445th Bomb Group 702nd Bomb Sqdn, flying B-24’s.
1st Lt.
Molly Trotta,wife.
Rochester, N.Y
Tuech, Thomas Eugene
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827085. He was in the 19th Bomb Group 28th Bomb Sqdn (VHB). Click here for picture and mission info.
1st Lt.
Chicago, IL.
Turbyfill, Carl Mitchell Jr.
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827086. He served his country for 27 years as an Air Force pilot during World War II, the Berlin airlift, the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. He retired from the Air Force in 1969.
Lt. Col.
Died August 13, 2003 at age 80 in Weston, FL. A native of Catawba County, NC.
See obituary.
Turner, Clement J.
Uterhart, Carl W.
S/N: O-826806. He was in the 368th Fighter Group 397th Fighter Sqdn and is credited for half of a FW-190
1st Lt.
Vachon, Joseph A. L.
Van Derhoof, John H. Jr.
S/N: O-829346. He was in the 453rd Bomb Group 734th Bomb Sqdn. On Nov. 11, 1944 he was co-pilot of a B-24H (S/N: 42-95167) with a crew of 10 on a mission to Bottrop, Germany. The plane was hit by flak before reaching the target. Number three engine, bomb bay and command deck were on fire. The crew bailed out. Van Derhoof was unconscious and was pushed out the nose wheel hatch. He was captured by the Germans and became a P.O.W. in Stalag Luft 1 (MACR #10342).
Click here to see an account of his being shot down.
Van Opdorp, Harold Richard
He graduated from Moody Field, Ga. He flew B-17's in WWII in the 398th Bomb Group 602nd Bomb Sqdn and also went back to Korea. He ended his career as a Captain.
Born: Nov. 29, 1922
Died: Sep. 6, 1999
See Find-A-Grave.
Jane Van Opdorp, wife.Fulton, N.Y.
Click here for his picture and more info.
Wagner, Edward T.
Wallenbeck, Paul A.
Warren, Edwin Kenneth
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827097. He was assigned to the 461st Bomb Group 767th Bomb Sqdn on Aug. 23, 1944.
2nd Lt. Wilmington, NC.

Click here for his picture with crew.
Waterman, Leo Francis
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827099. He was in the 459th Bomb Group 759th Bomb Sqdn.
Frederick, MD.
Click here for a crew picture.
Weaver, Walstrom S.
Weaver, William Sylvenus
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827100. He was in the 484th Bomb Group 824th Bomb Sqdn. He was awarded the D.F.C.
1st Lt.
Shippendale, PA.
Webb, Newton D.
Weber, John Pierre
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827101. He was a B-17 pilot with 457th Bomb Group 748th Bomb Sqdn based at Glatton, England
1st Lt.
Pittsburgh, PA.
Webster, Charles E.
Webster, Paul C.
Weiss, Herman S.
Westfield, Henry A. Jr.
Wheeler, Franklin D.
S/N: O-826811
Whitfield, Henry A. Jr.
Whiting, Charles H.
S/N: O-827845. He was in the 301st Bomb Group 419th Bomb Sqdn. He was awarded the Air Medal with oak leaf cluster and the D.F.C.
1st Lt.
LeRoy, NY.
Whittle, Edwin T. Jr.
Wicks, Julian A.
Wilkinson, William Andrew Jr.
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827106. From his obituary: After high school, he "enrolled in N. C. State College. In 1941, after his freshman year, he volunteered to serve his country in the Army Air Force. He became a flight instructor. He then completed day and night solos in B-29's and was ready to leave for the South Pacific when the war was over. While training in Montgomery, Alabama, he met Martha Ann O'Rear who was in college at Huntingdon. They were married the next year."
Born November 2, 1923 in Concord, NC
Died May 7, 2016 in Raleigh, NC
Williams, George Bruce
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827108. He was in the 094th Bomb Group 331st Bomb Sqdn. On Oct 7, 1944 he was the pilot of a B-17G (S/N: 42-39896) with a crew of 9 on a mission to Bohlen, Germany and was killed in action (MACR #09554).
2nd Lt.
Hampden, VA.
Williams, Robert David
Rundlett was his instructor in Douglas. He was in the 10th Squadron (see photo above). Graduated from Moody Fld, Ga. S/N: O-827109. He flew 30 combat missions in England, in B-17’s. Then 107 missions in F-80’s over Korea and 45 missions in A-37’s and F-5’s during the Vietnam conflict. He retired a a Colonel in 1974. Click here for his bio (a PDF).
Born Sept 22, 1919.
Gloria Williams,wife.
Honolulu, Hawaii
Willits, Robin Dana
Wilson, Richard Bishop
Winters, Steve
Wolfe, Donald Robert
He graduated from Moody Field, Ga. S/N: O-827115. He was in the 464th Bomb Group 779th Bomb Sqdn. On Jan. 20, 1945 he was co-pilot of a B-24J (S/N: 42-78590) on a target near Trieste, Italy. The plane returned from the mission with one engine out. On the final approach the aircraft seemed to stall in mid-air and then spin into the ground. Two occupants of the aircraft bailed out before the aircraft hit the ground, but the other men remained with the aircraft and were either killed or seriously injured. Wolfe was injured but survived.
Eventually rose to the rank of Major
Adeline Wolfe, wife.
Of Nitro, W.Va.
Wolff, John Keyes
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827116. He was in the 454th Bomb Group 737th Bomb Sqdn. On Dec. 18, 1944 he was pilot of a B-24H (S/N: 42-52264) with a crew of 10 on a mission to Oswiecim Oil Refinery, Poland. His plane was damaged and went into a dive due to carburator icing, preventing some of the crew from bailing out. Also the bail out bell and radio failed. Three engines were out. Realizing that three crewmen had been trapped with no knowledge of the bail-out order, he attempted in a desperate and heroic effort to land the crippled aircraft but hit a sharp incline. He was thrown through the windshield and was killed. Two others were killed; one survived and crawled through a hole in the side of the fuselage (MACR #10686). Wolff posthumously received the Purple Heart, the Air Medal and the Distinguished Service Cross.
2nd Lt.
Born Aug. 2, 1923
Raleigh, NC
He was buried in the Greek Orthodox Church Cemetery in the town of Palanka, Yugoslavia on Dec. 21. He was later moved to Sicily-Rome American Cemetery, Lazio Italy.
For an account of his valor and his picture, see Find-A-Grave.
Woodward, Joseph D. Jr.
Enlisted February 20, 1943
Born 1921 in New Jersey.
From Escambia County, Florida at time of enlistment.
Wright, John F.
Wright, Robert W.
Wynn, George Alan
Graduated from Moody Fld, GA. S/N: O-827118. He was in the 465th Bomb Group 783rd Bomb Sqdn. On Oct. 4, 1944 he was co-pilot of a B-24J (S/N: 44-41082) with a crew of 10 on a bombing mission to Munich, Germany. Just after the plane's bomb bay doors were opened, it was hit in the right side of the fuselage next to the fuel tanks. The wing dropped off and the plane exploded (MACR #09139). All were killed, and he was buried in Epinal American Cemetery and Memorial, Epinal, France.
2nd Lt.
Philadelphia, PA.

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