World War II Flight Training Museum and
63rd AAF Flying Training Detachment

Douglas, Georgia

Class 1943-I

Class 1943-I – World War II Flight Training Museum and the Douglas 63rd Preservation Society, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Home > Cadets > Class 1943-I

(Scheduled to graduate from Advanced as officers Sept. 30/Oct. 1, 1943)

Click here for a picture of Squadron C, Class of 1943-I

Cadets reporting: 172; Held from previous class: 6; Number graduated: 124; Eliminated for flying deficiency: 46; Eliminated for other reasons: 3; Held over to next class: 5; Percent eliminated: 27.1%

Adams, Francis Joseph
Graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-815050. Assigned to BAAF at Blytheville.
of Winooski, VT
Francis Joseph Adams
Akins, Charles A.
Graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813286. Assigned to 3rd A.F. 309th Bomb Grp. at Columbia, S.C.
Charles A. Akins
Allen, James Edward
S/N: O-815267. He was assigned to the 336th Bomb Gp Replacement Training Unit.
2nd Lt.
James E. Allen
Anzalone, Anthony H.
He became a gunner, S/N: 32114953, in the 459th Bomb Group, 756th bomb Sqdn. On Aug. 25, 1944, he was gunner in a B-24H (S/N: 42-52356) on a mission to the Ploesti Oil Fields and Kurin, Czecho. The plane was hit, and one engine was feathered and another one nearly gone. The pilot told the crew to bail out. They landed in northern Yugoslavia and were aided by partisans back to Bari, Italy (MACR #12393).
Wife: Jennie E. Anzalone
Atkins, Richard Staples
Graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: T-61450. Assigned BAAF at Blytheville.
from Sacramento, CA.
Richard Staples Atkins
Bacon, Robert L.
Robert L. Bacon
Baker, Tracy M., Jr.
Enlisted Nov. 25, 1940 in Starke, FL. Cadet Officer: Corporal. Graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813292. On Mar. 13, 1944, he had a landing accident in an L-5 (S/N: 42-14972) at Statesboro AAF, Statesboro, GA
Tracy M. Baker, Jr.
Bartlett, Stuart Lee
Graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812733. Assigned to 3rd A.F. at Dale Mabry Field Tampa, FL. then to the 79th Fighter Gp 86th Fighter Sqdn. On June 9, 1944, he was shot down and KIA. He is buried at: Plot H Row 12 Grave 7, Florence American Cemetery, Florence, Italy, Awards: Air Medal, Purple Heart. (MACR #3950, per
2nd Lt.
of Lapeer, MI.
Stuart Lee Bartlett
Basselo, Joe
Bathurst, Raymond J.
Graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813295?. Assigned to 3rd A.F. 46th Bomb Columbia, S.C. Then the 310th Bomb Gp 381st Bomb Sqdn flying B-25's in the Ghisonaccia Corsica area in Dec. 1944 (see 381st_History/HistoryDec44.pdf (pp. 18,19,64). Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster.
of Columbia, S.C.
Raymond J. Bathurst
Behrens, Neil H.
Graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813296. Assigned to the AAF Pilot School at Sebring, FL. Then 96th Bomb Gp 339th Bomb Sqdn. On May 7, 1944 he was pilot on a B-17 (S/N: 42-3324) on a massive mission to Germany. On the way back from the target, three of the engines failed. Basically, the plane ran out of gas just after it left the target because of a valve and hydraulics failure. Behrens crawled back to the bomb bay area to try to adjust it. He was unable to open the valve. After getting to lower altitude, he gave orders to bail out. After Behrens and a few others bailed out the plane sustained a direct hit by flak, exploded and crashed. He became a POW in Luft-Stalag #3 at Sagan, Germany and Luft-Stalag #7A located near Nurenburg, Germany (MACR #4565).
Born Nov. 1, 1922
Died Mar. 11, 2008
Buried Arlington National Cemetery
Neil H. Behrens
Beihoff, Jack W.
Enlisted May 25, 1942 in Milwaukee, WI
Jack W. Beihoff
Bell, Robert J.
Robert J. Bell
Bell, William Lee
He graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812735. Assigned to 1st A.F. at Mitchell Field, L.I.
William Lee Bell
Bendrick, Thomas J.
From his obituary at FindAGrave: "While in the military, he was stationed at US Army Air Corps, Eglin Field, Fla. from 1941-1945 and attended Flight Training 63rd AAFFTD, Douglas, Ga. in 1943."
Born Apr. 5, 1923 Frackville, PA
Died Oct. 1, 2009 Harrisburg PA.
Buried Indiantown Gap National Cemetery, Annville, PA
Thomas J. Bendrick
Bennie, Donald M.
On June 11, 1946 he was in the 467th BU when he had an accident taking off in a C-47A (S/N: 42-100539) at Hill Field, UT.
Donald M. Bennie
Bibb, Harry L.
Bieniek, Victor J.
Graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. Assigned to AAF Pilot School. Sebring, FL. He was in the 97th Bomb Gp 414th Bomb Sqdn. On Oct. 14, 1944 he was pilot of a B-17G (S/N: 44-8004) on a mission to Blechhammer, Germany. The plane ran out of gas and he crash landed the plane over Brunn, Czechoslovakia. All of his crew survived except 2, whom the Germans claimed were shot trying to escape. He was a P.O.W. in Luft-Stalag #3 at Sagan, Germany and Luft-Stalag #7A near Nurenburg, Germany (MACR #9592)
Holyoke, Mass.
Victor J. Bieniek
Blevins, Edwin L.
Cadet Officer: Corporal, and O.E. Pierce was his Instructor at Douglas. Graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813305. Sent to AAF Pilot School at Maxwell Field. He was in 390th Bomb Gp 569th Bomb Sqdn. flying B-17s in Europe.
1st Lt.
of Freemont, OH.
Edwin L. Blevins
Borrello, Joseph A., Jr.
Bowes, Archibald Kirk, Jr.
Cadet Officer: Lieutenant, Wing Supply Officer. O.E. Pierce was his instructor at Douglas. He graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812743. Assigned to 3rd A.F. at Dale Malbry Field, Tallahassee. Then 58th Fighter Gp 69th Fighter Sqdn in New Guinea and the South Pacific.
White Plains, N.Y.
Archibald Kirk Bowes, Jr.
Brak, Steven Bohumil
He graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. and flew P-47’s. He was with the 358th Fighter Group, 365th Fighter Sqdn. in England. He flew 85 missions. After the war he was with the Argonne National Laboratories.
wife: Eileen Brak.
Of DeMotte, IN.
He was a member of the Thunderbolt Pilot’s Assoc.
Steven Bohumil Brak
Brenner, Edwin Maurice
Brown, Ralph A.
Cadet Officer: Corporal, and Truman Witt was his instructor at Douglas. He had Basic at Gunter Airbase and graduated at Marianna, S/N: O-812747. Assigned to the 8th A.F., 354th Fighter Group, 353rd Fighter Sqdn flying P-51B’s. He was shot down Apr. 11, 1944 and spent 13 months in Stalag Luft #1 in Barth, Germany. He stayed in the A.F. for a 24 year career, retiring in 1965. He then was a Corporate Pilot and flew until he retired Dec. 31, 1987.
Ralph A. Brown
Buck, LeRoy Oliver
Student Officer at Douglas. Graduated from Blytheville, S/N: T-61374, then O-1683592. assigned to 2nd A.F. at Salt Lake City, UT, then 465th Bomb Gp 780th Bomb Sqdn. On Aug. 24, 1944 he was pilot of a B-24 (S/N: 42-51020) with a crew of 10 leaving Italy for the target of Pardoubice, Czech. Coming back from the mission, they lost 3 engines and lost altitude. Buck decided to ditch and landed in the Adriatic. The plane was demolished upon impact, and 9 of the crew, including Buck, were killed (MACR #10102).
Click here for a group picture.
Of PA.
Wife: Marguerite R. Buck
LeRoy O. Buck
Bullock, Warren L.
Graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813316. Assigned to 89th Troop Carrier Sqdn. at Bergstrom AFB at Austin, TX. He was a copilot on a C-53 transport plane delivering paratroopers to Normandy with the 313th Troop Carrier Group 49th Troop Carrier Sqdn on D-Day.
Warren L. Bullock
Camp, Robert W.
Robert W. Camp
Campbell, William C.
Carter, Samuel R.
He may have become an engineer. A Samuel Robbins Carter, S/N: 13113045, is shown on a B-24J (S/N: 42-100259) when it was shot down by enemy aircraft on June 24, 1944 on a mission to the Ploesti Oil Fields, Rumania. He was killed (MACR #6437).
possibly of Philadelphia, PA
Cascio, Carmel
On June 22, 1943, he had a landing accident ground collision in a BT-13 (S/N: 40-896) at Gunter Field, AL.
Carmel Cascio
Castle, Chilton W.
Cadet Officer: Sergeant at Douglas. He became a navigator and was assigned to 487th Bomb Gp, 837th Bomb Sqdn. See
Chilton W. Castle
Chajka, John James
Graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813322. Assigned to the 3rd A.F. 334th Bomb Grp, Replacement Training Unit at Greenville, SC.
John J. Chajka
Chandler, Albert R., Jr.
Chrismon, Henry C., Jr.
Cadet Officer: Corporal and J.B. Knox was his instructor at Douglas. Graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813323. Went to AAF Pilot School at Sebring, FL. then into 96th Bomb Gp 413th Bomb Sqdn. On Nov. 21, 1944, he was pilot of a B-17G (S/N: 43-37792) with a crew of 9. The plane was hit by flak and exploded in the air at Powe near Osnabruck in enemy territory. All were killed. (MACR #10417)
He was buried in the Achmer airbase cemetery (in German territory).
Henry C. Chrismon
Christenson, Donald Dale
Merrill Nelson was his Instructor. Donald had basic at Gunter Air Force Base, Montgomery, AL. Graduated at Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813324. Then to B-17 training. He was sent to the 15th Air Force 301st Bomb Gp 32nd Bomb Sqdn at Foggia, Italy. He was discharged at the end of the war. He was awarded the DFC and 3 air medals.
Wife: Georgene Christenson
Of Egan, Mn.
Click here for his bio and picture (a PDF).
Donald D. Christenson
Clark, Charlie H.
J.B. Knox was his instructor at Douglas. A Charlie H. Clark from Georgia is listed as a P.O.W. in the European Theater on 25 Sep 1944. We do not know if this is the same Charlie H. Clark or not.
of Georgia
Charlie H. Clark
Clemens, Roy K.
J.B. Knox was his instructor at Douglas. Graduated at Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813327. Went to AAF Pilot School at Sebring, FL. and to 15th AF in B-17's.
1st Lt.
Roy K. Clemens
Cone, Roger Edward
Connelly, Harrell M.
Cadet Officer: Lieutenant, Wing Group Adjutant at Douglas.
Harrell M. Connelly
Cook, Arnold I.
Cortright, John Milton, Jr.
According to research published on FindAGrave, he graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in Florida. He was initially assigned to the 496th Fighter Training Group, 555th Fighter Training Squadron operating at RAF Goxhill, USAAF Station 345. After this training was completed in the first week of March 1944, John was assigned to the 355th Fighter Squadron 354th Fighter Group, 9th Air Force, operating from RAF Boxted, USAAF Station 150. On 8 April 1944 his group was assigned the task of escorting 350 B-24 Liberators to aviation industry targets in Brunswick, Germany. Lt Cortright this day was flying Mustang serial number P-51B, 43-7136 (GQ*V) named “Zat Too Fast”. The Liberators were strung out and difficult to cover. A dogfight with enemy aircraft resulted in him being shot down inside his Mustang about 1.5 miles southwest of Wieckenberg, Germany. His remains were recovered in November, 1947 and he was interred at Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial, Neuville-en-Condroz, Arrondissement de Liège, Liège, Belgium, Plot B, Row 34, Grave 6.
2nd Lt.
Born 8 Feb 1922, Sandwich, DeKalb County, Illinois
Died 8 Apr 1944 (aged 22), Wieckenberg, Landkreis Celle, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany
John Milton Cortright, Jr.
Coven, Albert B.
Crick, Clarence Edward
S/N: O-813335/ He was in the 397th Bomb Gp 597th Bomb Sqdn. On Aug. 7, 1944, he was copilot on a B-26B (S/N: 42-96118) with a crew of 6 in a mission to Neuvy-sur-Loire, France. The plane was hit by flak and all bailed out before it crashed. He became a P.O.W. in Stalag Lufts 3 and 7A at Sagan and Nuremburg, Germany (#7876).
Clarence E. Crick
Cronauer, Charles E., Jr.
During World War II he was a bombardier-navigator with 92nd Bomb Group (Padington, England) and flew 35 missions on a B-17 over enemy occupied Continental Europe. He participated in the following campaigns: Normandy, Southern France and Air Offensive Europe. He received the following medals: Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal with 3 oak leaf clusters, European African Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with 3 battle stars. See FindAGrave.
1st LT
Born 14 Jul 1921, Portage, Cambria County, Pennsylvania
Died 24 Jan 1998 (aged 76), Pennsylvania
Charles E. Cronauer, Jr.
Dickens, Lewis E.
Lewis E. Dickens
Dillabough, Earl C.
Dimpfl, Helmut R.
Graduated at Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813343. Assigned to 2nd Air Scouting Force, 8 A.F. at Salt Lake City, then the 4th Fighter Gp 335th Fighter Sqdn France flying P-51's.
1st Lt.
Of CA.
Helmut R. Dimpel
Dodson, William Warnick, Jr.
Had basic at Gunter Air Force Base, Montgomery, AL. Graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812774. From 1943-1945, he was a flight instructor at the Basic Flying School at Majors Field in Greenville, Miss. and at Truax Field, Wisc. He resigned from the Reserve in 1953. He became a lawyer. He retired in 1985.
Wife: June Dodson.
Of Le Moyne, PA
Died July 10, 1998.
Click here for his brief bio and a picture
William W. Dodson, Jr.
Doudna, Burton C.
Born Jul. 28, 1920
Died Aug. 24, 1989
Of Dickinson County, Iowa
Drummond, Robert W.
Graduated at Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813346. Went to AAF Pilot School at Maxwell Field. According to the Scranton (PA) Tribune (April 28, 1946), he spent 20 months overseas in Europe and earned the Air Medal and 6 combat stars.
Robert W. Drummond
1st LT
Robert W. Drummond
Duke, Robert Franklin
Cadet Officer: Lieutenant at Douglas. Graduated at Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812779. He was assigned to the 40th Fighter Squadron of the 35th Fighter Group on 11th February 1944 and trained to fly P-47 Thunderbolts in combat over New Guinea and the Philippine Islands.
Gadsden, AL.
Robert Franklin Duke
Duncan, Robert A.
Graduated at Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813390. Went to AAF Pilot School at Maxwell Field. He was in the Mediterranean theater. On Sept 15, 1944, he became P.O.W. in Romania, per National Archives P.O.W. records.
2nd Lt.
Louisville, KY
Robert A. Duncan
Elberty, Charles Wesley
Graduated at Mariana, FL, Oct. 1, 1943, S/N: O-812782. He was in the 82nd Fighter Gp 95th Fighter Sqdn. He was a veteran of 51 combat missions over southern Europe and a participant in the first American flighter plane shuttle from Italy to Russia. He was also in the first American fighter sweep carried out from Russian bases. He received the Air Medal with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters at a P-38 fighter-bomber base in Italy [Sources: Altoona (PA) Tribune, 21 Aug 1944, Mon · Page 10 and Altoona Tribune, 28 Oct 1944, Sat · Page 10]. In early 1945, he received the DFC and the silver Oak Leaf Cluster for his Air Medal.
1st Lt., promoted to Captain in October, 1944.
From Altoona, PA.
Charles W. Elberty
Englehardt, John L.
Graduated at Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813354. Went to Maxwell Field for Standard Basic Course of Instruction. His obituary reads, "Air Force veteran of World War II and the Korean War and later served in the Air Force Reserves."
Died May 6, 2012 Age 91.
John L. Englehardt
Estok, Emil
Began Pre-Flight training at Maxwell Field (AL) in November, 1942 [Source: The Garfield Guardian, Garfield, New Jersey · Friday, November 27, 1942, p. 1]. At the end of 1943, he received his wings as a rated liaison pilot and was promoted to staff sergeant at the Third Army Air Forces Liaison (Advanced) Training Detachment, Lamesa, TX [Source: The Herald-News (Passaic, NJ), 03 Jan 1944, Mon · Page 13].
Of Garfield, NJ
Emil Estrok
Feltz, Walter Emil
Graduated at Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812788. Served with the 358th Fighter Group 366th Fighter Squadron flying P-47 Thunderbolts with the Ninth Air Force in Europe. (See "ORANGE TAILS: The Story of the 358th Fighter Group and Ancillary Units" published in 1945.)
1st Lt.
From West McHenry, Illinois
Born Feb. 8, 1920
Died May 22, 1987.
Wife: Dorothy Cloby Feltz
Later lived in Crystal Lake, IL.
Walter Emil Feltz
Floyd, Samuel J.
Foster, Joel J. C.
Fraser, Robert A.
Bill Fritsche was his Instructor. He graduated at Blytheville, S/N: O-813361. He was delayed in going overseas because of a punctured eardrum. Later he was in the 15th Air Force, 459th Bomb Group, 756th Pont Sqdn. in Italy flying B-24's. After the war he finished his degree in Airline Airport Management. Then he was with Slick and later with the Flying Tiger Airlines.
1st Lt.
Wife: Charleen Fraser
Of Golden, CO.
Click here for his bio and a picture of one of his planes (a PDF)
Robert A. Fraser
Furlong, John H.
John H. Furlong
Grimes, John Parker
Joe Cotton was his instructor. Had basic at Gunter Air Force Base, Montgomery, AL. Graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812805. He was in the 327 Fighter Gp 325 Fighter Sqdn Replacement Training Unit. Then he served in the 48th Fighter Grp. 492nd Fighter Sqdn. in England and then through France, Belgium and Germany. He stayed in the Air Force until retiring in 1974.
Wife: Audrey Grimes
Of Valparaiso, FL.
John Parker Grimes
Hall, Robert Lloyd
Graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/n: O-812808. He was in the 352nd Fighter Gp 487th Fighter Sqdn. On June 7, 1944 he was flying a P-51-B15 (S/N: 43-24845) on a strafing mission near LeMans, France. Small arms fire from the back of a convoy being strafed probably brought his plane down. It crashed and he was killed. (MACR #5501)
2nd Lt.
Of Zion, IL.
Robert Lloyd Hall
Hamm, Willard A.
He became a navigator (S/N: O-706523) on B-17's in the 303rd Bomb Gp 358th Bomb Sqdn
Willard A. Hamm
Hare, Don Louis, Jr.
Graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812809? He was assigned to Maxwell Field and Gunter Field Basic Flying School.
Of Menominee, MI
Don L. Hare
Harland, Thomas J., Jr.
Graduated at Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813370. Went to AAF 4-engine Pilot School at Hendricks Field, Sebring, FL.
Thomas J. Harland, Jr.
Hayes, Amos W.
Herin, Reginald Augustus, Jr.
Cadet Officer: Cadet Captain, Group Commander at Douglas. Graduated Marianna Army Air Field in FL, O-812813. He was in the 56th Fighter Gp 61st Fighter Sqdn and the 356FG 360FS
Of Hollandale, MS.
Reginald Augustus Herin, Jr.
Hill, Charles W.
Holton, Howard F.
Cadet Officer: Sergeant and John Murr was his Instructor at Douglas. He had Basic at Gunter Field and graduated at Blytheville Army Airfield, Oct. 1, 1943. Then to A-20’s at Florence, S.C. Next to Columbia, S.C. in B-25’s. On to the S.W. Pacific and New Guinea. He was in the 38th Bomb Gp 822nd Bomb Sqdn. He was shot down on Dec. 27, 1944, hospitalized in Australia from Jan. to Apr. 1945. Then back to the Philippines, Lingayan and back to the States in July, 1945, to the Percy Jones hospital till Sept. Then duty at Wright Patterson, Personnel Equipment Labs. Next Aero Medical till discharge on Jan. 14, 1950. He stayed in the Reserve until Feb, 1, 1969 when he retired as a Lt. Colonel. He continued in Civil Service at Wright—Pat. until 1973, and retired.
Lt. Col.
Wife: Virginia Holton
Of Centerville, Ohio
He died Sept. 14, 1989.
Howard F. Holton
Horback, Paul
Hughes, Eugene Albert
Cadet Officer: Corporal. His obituary reads, after high school "he went on to serve as a Captain in the USAF in Gulf Port, MS, flying B-17, B-29 and PT-17 planes during WWII. He was discharged in 1958 from the USAF Reserves."
November 9, 1921 in Knoxville, IL
Died March 31, 2012 Albuquerque, NM.
Eugene Albert Hughes
Hughes, LeRoy S.
Graduated at Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813383. assigned to 3rd A.F. 334th Fighter Group Replacement Training Unit at Greenville, S.C.
LeRoy S. Hughes
Hunt, Thomas E.
Huset, Otis K.
Jose Oliveros was his Instructor. He had Basic at Gunter Air Force Base, Montgomery, AL. He graduated at Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. He became a twin engine instructor at Blytheville and at Laughlin Army Air Field at Del Rio, Texas.
Wife: Harriet Huset
Of River Falls, Wisc. or Alamo, TX.
Click here for his bio (a PDF)
Otis K. Huset
Irons, Clement I.
Cadet Officer: Corporal at Douglas. He became a navigator (S/N: O-700806) in the 385th Bomb Gp. On May 8, 1944, he was navigator in a B-17G (S/N: 42-31786) on a mission to Berlin. At the IP, before the bomb run, his pilot reported a runaway prop, which windmilled until it fell off. The plane was attacked by fighters and the crew bailed out. Irons bailed out, was captured at Oyten near Bremen, and became a P.O.W. (MACR #4563).
2nd Lt.
Clement I. Irons
Jiricek, Victor
Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813385. Went to AAF Pilot School at Maxwell. He was in the 464th Bomb Gp 776th Bomb Sqdn
2nd Lt.
Victor Jiricek
Johnson, Lawrence E.
Graduated Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813387. went to 3rd AF 46th Bomb Grp. at Tampa, FL.
Lawrence E. Johnson
Johnson, Lyle R.
Kelly, Howard Dean
Cadet Officer: Corporal at Douglas. Graduated Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813389. Assigned to Maxwell Field Central Instructors' School.
Howard D. Kelly
Kelly, Leo T.
Al Crisler was his Instructor at Douglas. He was a Capt. and a B-29 Pilot when he was discharged. He worked in the textile industry for a while. Then he became an Air traffic Controller at Buffalo, N.Y.
Wife: Mary Kelly
Of Enfield N.H.
Leo T. Kelly
Kelly, Richard E.
Cadet Officer: Corporal. Graduated Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813390. Went to AAF Pilot School at Maxwell. He was in the 302nd Bomb Gp Replacement Training Unit. He was killed in a flying accident in a B-24E Mar. 26, 1944 in FL.
2nd Lt.
Richard E. Kelly
Klegerman, Al I.
S/N: O-2030061. He was in the 317th Troop Carrier Group, 40th Troop Carrier Squadron flying C-47's. He was killed in a flying accident (in plane with S/N: 43-49914) on Sept. 17, 1945 in Japan.
Flight officer, then 2nd Lt.
Buried in at Zachary Taylor National Cemetery, Louisville, KY
Knobloch, Harold J.
Graduated Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813393. Went to AAF Pilot School at Maxwell Field. He was in the 302nd Bomb Gp 356th Bomb Sqdn Replacement Training Unit. On Mar. 5, 1944 he was killed in a flying accident in FL in a B-24E.
2nd Lt.
Harold J. Knobloch
Larson, David S.
Graduated Oct. 1, 1943 from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: F.O. T-61377, as a twin engine bomber pilot. Was sent to Maxwell Field Central Instructors' School.
From Williamsport, PA.
David S. Larson
Larson, Raymond Ladue
He was in the 53rd Fighter Gp 15th Fighter Sqdn Replacement Training Unit. On Dec. 1, 1943, he was killed in a flying accident in FL in a P-47G.
2nd Lt.
from Berlin, ND.
Raymond Ladue Larson
LeBahn, Benjamin F.
Letner, Coy D.
Born 1916, Missouri
Love, Floyd T.
Lukacs, Benedict "Ben"
Cadet Officer: Corporal and had Wayne North & Walt Miller as his instructors at Douglas. He had Basic at Gunter Field, Montgomery, AL. and Advanced at Marianna Field, FL, S/N: O-812838. He was in the 002nd Air Commando Group 155th Liaisson Sqdn. He went to India (C.B.I.) in Nov. 1944 and operated over Burma. After Burma he went to Okinawa. After the War he stayed in the service at Dover AFB, when he was hospitalized for 7-1/2 months with a bad back. He stayed in the Reserves and had a total of 15 years in the Air Force and Reserves.
of Syracuse, N.Y.
Benedict Lukacs
Manchester, Charles H.
“Snow” White was his instructor at Douglas. Had Basic at Gunter Air Force Base, Montgomery, AL. Went to Twin Engine School for Advanced. On June 13, 1944, he had a Forced Landing due to Engine Failure in an AT-9 (S/n: 41-12080) while stationed at Blytheville AAF, Blytheville, AR.
Charles H. Manchester
Mann, Harry Allen
Snow White was his instructor at Douglas. He graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/n: O- 812840. He flew P-40’s in England and India. He made the Air Force a career.
Capt. He married in 1944. of Covington, KY. He died between 1972 and 1977.
Click here for a group picture.
Harry Allen Mann
Martin, Robert Dale
Snow White was his Instructor. He had Basic at Air Force Base, Montgomery, AL. and Advanced at Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812841. He went into fighters in the 14th AF. He was a Flying Tiger in China in P-40’s and P-51’s.
Lt. Col.
Wife: Carolyn Martin.
Of South Bend, IN. Click here for a group picture.
Robert Dale Martin
Masyn, William
Cadet Officer: Color Sergeant. “Snow” White was his instructor. Graduated at Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813405. Assigned to AAF Pilot School at Buckingham Army Air Field Gunnery School on B-24's.
of Hollis, L.I., N.Y.
Click here for a group picture.
William Masyn
Matthews, Ben E.
Ben E. Copenhaver was his instructor. Sent to Maxwell Field for Basic. Graduated at Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813406. As a 1LT, he was a pilot on C-47 aircraft assigned to the 61st Troop Carrier Group, 15th Troop Carrier Squadron based at Abbeville, France in early 1945.
Source: WarDiaries_Protected.pdf, page 636 April 25, 1945 entry.
Ben E. Matthews
Mayer, Leonard A.
Mazalan, Raymond G.
Raymond G. Copenhaver was his instructor at Douglas. He was radar observer (Flight Officer S/N: T-180236) in the 5th AF, 421st Night Fighter Sqdn flying P-61's. On Feb. 3, 1945, he was in a P-61A (S/N: 42-5562) with a pilot and a passenger on a courier mission to Biak, Dutch New Guinea. They encountered storms, got off course, and ran out of gas. He bailed out. He was MIA in the jungle of New Guinea but survived (MACR #14300). Click here to read his amazing story.
Blue Island, IL.
Wife: Eileen LaMore Mazalan
Born: Aug 30, 1917
Died: June 30, 2005, age 87.
Buried: Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Orland Park, IL.
Raymond G. Mazalan
McDonald, Keith A.
McLeish, Thomas Anthony
Wayne North was his Douglas Instructor. Graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. Flight Officer S/N: T-61364. He was with the 9th AF. 391st Bomb Gp, 574th Bomb Sqdn in England, later moving up to France and Holland. He flew B-26’s for a while, then A-26’s. He flew 44 missions over Europe. He was preparing to go to the Pacific when the Atom Bomb was dropped, so that was canceled.
Of Clinton, IN.
Thomas Anthony McLeish
McLeod, Norman H.
Wayne North was his instructor. He was probably the B-17 pilot who landed an out-of-gas plane during a blinding thunderstorm in late December 1944. He belly landed the plane in a small pasture west of Oxford, PA, with no injuries to the crew. 2nd LT. [Source: The Philadelphia Inquirer, 26 Dec 1944, Tue · Pages 1,6.]
Probably of Olney, PA
Norman H. McLeod
Photo from newspaper article.
Norman H. McLeod
McWilliams, Milton Ben
Snow White was his instructor at Douglas. He graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. Flight Officer S/N: T-61365. He was assigned to Tuskegee to instruct black students.
Milton Ben McWilliams
Merklein, Robert Vern
Copenhaver was his instructor. He graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812848 (or 812849?). He went to the 021st Fighter Gp 046th Fighter Sqdn
1st Lt.
Of Madison, WI.
Robert Vern Merklein
Miller, Donald E.
Miller, Jack R.
Tom Doran was his instructor. He washed out at Douglas.
Jack R. Miller
Miller, Phillip S.
Tom Doran was his instructor. Graduated at Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813411. Was sent to A.T.C. Domestic Trans. Div. at Billy Mitchell Field, Cudahy, WI.
Phillip S. Miller
Mills, Donald W.
Student Officer: Second Lieutenant. S/N: O-499697. Graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. Sent to AAF Pilot school, Maxwell Air Field.
Donald W. Mills
Moculski, George Anthony
Tom Doran was his Instructor. He had Basic at Gunter Air Force Base, Montgomery, AL. and graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. He was an instructor on BT-13s and AT-6s at Gunter Field, at one point teaching French cadets. He went into B-24s and was ready to go to Europe when peace arrived. He stayed in the Reserve and was reactivated for Korea. He spent 1951 & 1952 in Japan & Korea. Then he went with American Airlines in 1953 and was based in New York City. Routes flown included the Caribbean. He retired in 1981 with 22,000 hours.
Wife: Maria Moculski
Of Westbury, N.Y.
Click here to read his letter (a PDF)
George Anthony Moculski
Mooney, John E.
Moser, Arthur C.
Tom Doran was his instructor. Graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813414. Went to the 3rd AF. 3rd Tow Target Sqdn. Camp Davis, NC.
Arthur C. Moser
Mulkey, Don Norman
Mike Sewell was his instructor at Douglas. Graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812854. He was in the 79th Fighter Gp 86th Fighter Sqdn. On April 18, 1944 he was making a bombing run in a P-47D (S/N: 42-22802) and when he pulled up, light but very intense ground fire and small arms fire struck the plane. Flames came from the underside of his plane, and the ship rolled over and crashed. He was killed and buried by the enemy in Cemetery Soriano, District Viterbo but later moved to Plot C Row 8 Grave 30, Florence American Cemetery, Florence, Italy. Awards: Purple Heart (MACR #3988)
2nd Lt.
Of St. Louis, MO
Don Norman Mulkey
Murphy, James A.
He graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813415. He was with the 445th Bomb Gp 700th Bomb Sqdn. On Mar. 6, 1944, his plane (B-24 Liberator S/N: 42-109796) was shot down and he became a P.O.W. in Stalag Luft 1 near Barth Germany (MACR #2962).
2nd Lt.
James A. Murphy
Nations, Charles H.
According to what is probably his marriage announcement [The Paxton Record (Paxton, Illinois), 01 Apr 1943, Thu, Page 5], he was of Monte Vista, Colorado and an aviation cadet at Maxwell air base, Montgomery, ALA, when he married Frances Woodward on Mar. 20, 1943. At that time he had served at Lowery Field, CO and Chanute Field, and had spent 16 months in foreign service in Puerto Rico. At the time of his wedding he was awaiting transfer for Primary training.
Pomack, E. B. "Ed" (may be E. B. Romack)
Student Officer: Second Lieutenant at Douglas
E. B. Pomack
Rabb, Richard O'Neal (O'Neill)
Cadet Officer: Sergeant Major and Jose Oliveros was his Instructor at Douglas. He had Basic at Gunter Air Force Base, Montgomery, AL. and Advanced at Marianna Army Air Field in FL, S/N: O-812872. He was then in the 359th Fighter Sqdn. in Europe. He had 38 missions and 160 Combat hours. On Aug. 4, 1944 he was flying a P-51B-1 (S/N: 43-12463) on a mission to Anklam, Germany. Another plane developed an oil leak and asked for another fighter to escort him to Sweden. Rabb and Lt. Baker escorted him, but during the the return home, a flight of potential enemy aircraft appeared (which turned out to be P-51's), and then they encountered and shot down a Messerschmitt Bf 110G-4, which had been scrambled at a false radar indication of a B-17 from their 2 P-51's. At that point enough gas was used that Rabb and Baker had to land in Sweden (MACR #7433). They were interned. It is believed all three of the pilots were returned to the UK on November 1, 1944. He separated in 1946. In the 1950s, he returned to the military and flew jets. He was in Intelligence at Shaw Field, S.C. He retired after 20 years of service.
of Fountain Inn, S.C.
Rabb died in Nov. 1990.
Richard O. Rabb
Reckling, William ‘Billy’ Murray
He was in Squadron C (see picture at top of page), and Mike Sewell was his Instructor at Douglas. He graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812874. He flew fighters and was discharged at the end of the war. He stayed in the Reserve and retired after 20 years as a Major.
William Murray Reckling
Reese, Luther Curtis
Mike Sewell was his instructor at Douglas. He graduated as F.O. T-61366. He was with the 359th Fighter Group, 370th Fighter Squadron. On July 21, 1944 Reese was flying a P-51b, serial number 43-7013, as bomber escort. The destination was Munich. He became separated from his fellow fighter pilots and disappeared. He was never found and was probably shot down. See MACR (accident report): #6834.
Of Georgia.
Killed July 21, 1944 north of Landsberg, Germany
Luther Curtis Reese
Reeves, James M.
Cadet Officer: Corporal, and Charles Compton was his instructor at Douglas. S/N: O-813583. He was in the 454th Bomb Gp 739th Bomb Sqdn. On Aug. 24, 1944, he was the pilot of a B-24H (S/N: 41-29581) with a crew of 10 on a mission to Colin Oil Refinery, Colin, Czechoslovakia. The plane seemed to have some mechanical difficulty or was hit by flak and fell behind the formation. He was MIA then declared KIA (MACR #7992).
2nd Lt.
Picayune, MS
James M. Reeves
Remland, Nathan
Charles Compton was his instructor. He graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: T-61378. and went to 3rd AF 3rd Tow Target Sqdn. at Camp Davis, NC.
Nathan Remland
Reznicek, Walter J., Jr.
Cadet Officer: Corporal at Douglas. Graduated as navigator in the Gulf Coast Training Command on December 11, 1943. S/N: O-700661. He is documented as a Captain in the USAF reserves in 1958.
Lt Col
Born Oct. 15, 1920
Died Apr. 12, 1995
Buried Fort Mitchell National Cemetery
Russell County Alabama
Walter J. Reznicek, Jr.
Rice, Elma Z.
Charles Compton was his instructor at Douglas. S/N: O-813420. He was in the 391st Bomb Gp 573rd Bomb Sqdn flying B-26's. He had a serious crash with another B-26 and skillfully crash landed his plane in the sea. Click here at for the full story.
2nd Lt.
Elma Z. Rice
Richards, William C.
Charles Compton was his instructor. He washed out at Douglas.
William C. Richards
Rieck, Roland Henry
He went to Pre-flight school at Maxwell Field, AL. Walt Miller was his instructor at Douglas. He graduated from Marianna, FL (S/N: O-812880) and was assigned to Mitchel Field, Long Island, NY [Source: The News (Paterson, New Jersey), 12 Oct 1943, Tue, Page 32].
b. 13 Mar 1919 NY, NY,
Enlisted into aviation cadet program from Paterson, NJ.
d. 17 May 1977 Savannah GA
Lt. Col.
Wife: Margaret Evelyn Reese Rieck
Roland Henry Rieck
Rogers, Bernard, Sr.
Ronakyer, Eugene J. (Perhaps Eugene J. Ronikier)
Possibly the Eugene J. Ronikier (2 Apr 1918 - 23 Jul 1995) who graduated as a 2nd LT bombardier from Carlsbad, NM in early 1944 [The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts), 20 Jan 1944, Thu, Page 15].
Eugene J. Ronikier
Picture from the Carlsbad class book.
Rudnick, William R.
Russell, Edmund C.
Walt Miller was his instructor at Douglas. He graduated Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813423. He was in the 455th Bomb Gp 740th Bomb Sqdn. On July 22, 1944 he was the pilot of a B-24H (S/N: 42-50424) with a crew of 10 on a mission out of Italy. The formation went through an unexpected flak area. The plane to the right of Russell's went out of control and crashed into Russell's plane, just aft of the wing, breaking it in half. Both ships went spinning to the ground. He was killed.
1st Lt.
Baldwin, NY
Wife: Olive H. Russell
A memorial to him is at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery Saint Louis, Missouri
(see Find-A-Grave)
Edmund C. Russell
Ryan, Thomas W.
Schrader, William P.
Seibold, John E.
Cadet Officer: Sergeant at Douglas.
John E. Seibold
Shattuck, George H.
Cadet Officer: Corporal. Billy Burkhalter was his instructor. Graduated Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas S/N: O-813426. Went to 3rd AF 14th Tow Target Sqdn. at Camp Davis, NC. He was assigned to the 39th Fighter Squadron of the 35th Fighter Group in August 1945 and trained to fly P-51 Mustangs in combat over the home islands of Japan. He probably served with the Occupation Air Force within Japan it self.
George H. Shattuck
Shaw, James Murdock, Jr.
Walt Hoffmann was his Instructor. He had Basic at Gunter Air Force Base, Montgomery, AL. and graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812890. Was soon an Instructor at Gunter using BT-13’s & AT-6’s. Then transitioned to B-24’s & B-17’s. Click here for his letter/bio (a PDF).
Wife: Frances Shaw
of Richardson, Texas
Jim died Aug. 1, 1991
James Murdock Shaw, Jr.
Sheffler, David M.
He may be the David M. Sheffler who was a SSgt (S/N: 12058977) on a B-24J (S/N: 44-41070) on a mission to Vienna, Austria. He bailed out through the camera hatch, was captured and became a P.O.W. after (MACR #9302).
Wife indicated in MACR: Ann M. Sheffler, New York, NY.
Shinn, Warren Harding
Walt Huffmann was his Instructor. He graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812891. Click here for his bio (a PDF).
Wife: Maxine Shinn
Of Charlotte, N.C.
Warren Harding Shinn
Shriver, Charles M.
Siegfried, Arthur C., Jr.
He may have become a SSgt (S/N: 32162467) in the 489th Bomb Group, 844th Bomb Sqdn (MACR #8237).
Sigafoose, Henry Ford
He graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. as F.O. T-61367. He made the Air Force his career. He served as a B-17 pilot with the 99th Bomb Group 416th Bomb Squadron based at Tortorella Italy. Throughout 1944, the 99th bombed targets in German occupied Italy, Germany, Austria, Greece, Bulgaria, France, Rumania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia. After the war he was stationed at a California Air Base where he flew jets. He received the Air Medal.
wife: Beatrice ‘Bea’ Sigafoose
of Brunswick, MD.
He died Nov. 16, 1970.
Henry Ford Sigafoose
Sigurdson, Vernon Theodore
Graduated Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812892. Assigned to Randolph Field. Later did test flying.
1st Lt. of Chicago, IL
Probably born 03/24/1919 and died on 10/14/2001, Rhinelander, WI.
Vernon Theodore Sigurdson
Skaggs, Kenneth E.
Graduated Army Airfield, Arkansas S/N: O-813892. Assigned to 3rd AF. 334th Bomb Group at Greenville, SC. He made Lt. Col. in the reserves in April 1965.
Kenneth E. Skaggs
Slatton, Jack Lee
Cadet Officer: Sergeant at Douglas. Graduated Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812893. Went to 3rd AF at Dale Malbry Field, Tampa, FL. He was in the 79th Fighter Gp 86th Fighter Sqdn.
of Anderson, SC
Jack Lee Slatton
Smith, Edgar H.
Cadet Officer: Cadet Captain, Wing Commander at Douglas. Graduated Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas S/N: O-813429. Went to ATC Domestic Trans. Division at Billy Mitchell Field, WI.
Edgar H. Smith
Smith, Thomas L.
Graduated Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas S/N: T-61379. Went to 2nd AF at Salt Lake City. He was a B-24 Copilot with the 44th Bombardment Group, 506th Bomb Sqdn and was rescued from the North Sea (when flying B-24 #41-29513 Z-Bar) on April 29 1944.
Okarche, Oklahoma
Thomas L. Smith
Spargur, Earl W.
He graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas S/N: O-813432. Went to 89th Troop Carrier Group at Bergstron Field at Austin, Texas.
Earl W. Spargur
Spencer, Carl O.
He graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas S/N: O-813433. Went to AAF Pilot School at Sebring, FL. He was in 463rd Bomb Gp 772nd Bomb Sqdn and flew 23 missions. On July 31, 1944 he was the pilot of a B-17G (S/N: 42-31827) with a crew of 10 on a mission to the Ploesti Oil Fields, Rumania. The ship was hit in its left wing and caught fire immediately. It turned over on its back, broke in half, and went into a dive. Chutes emerged from the back half of the plane. He went down with the ship and was killed. Four of the crew survived. (MACR #7154)
1st Lt.
McPherson, KS.
Carl O. Spencer
Spencer, Ray G.
Spicer, Marion F.
Stebbins, Robert T.
Cadet Officer: Lieutenant, and Charles Sherrill was his instructor at Douglas. He became a navigator (S/N: O-707347) with the 7th Bomb Gp in the China-Burma-India Theater.
2nd Lt.
Robert T. Stebbins
Steven, Raymond E.
John Fraser was his 2nd of 2 Instructors at Douglas. He graduated as O-813435. He went into B-24s and to Italy with the 15th Air Force, 376th Bomb Group, 512th Bomb Sqdn. He arrived the same day that all of the flight personal of the 512th went missing in action. From Feb - May 1944, he flew 23 missions. On May 31, as copilot, his plane (piloted by the 1st pilot) crashed after returning to the base with engine failures, a full load of bombs and gas, and it blew up after landing. He escaped with some injuries. He returned to the U.S. and stayed in the Air Force Reserves for 24 years.
Raymond E. Steven
Stewart, V. L.
Stout, George F.
Charles Sherrill was his instructor at Douglas. He flew B-26s in Europe for 66 missions. He was in the 596th Bomb Squadron of the 386th Bomb Group. He is listed as a co-pilot with Capt Conrad Jordan for 8 missions from 6 June through 6 July 1944. It is also believed he was in the 394th Bomb Group "Bridge Busters." Later he was an instructor at Maxwell Field.
2nd wife: Betty Stout.
From Osceola Mills, PA.
He died in 1990.
George F. Stout
Stowe, Allen Rushing
Charles Sherrill was his instructor at Douglas. He washed out in Basic school. He became a Bombardier and Navigator. He served in the 8th AF in England, flying 31 missions, last one on ‘D' Day.
1st Lt.
Wife: Melba Stowe
Of Olney, TX.
He died in 1975
Allen R. Stowe
Styers, James W., Jr.
He graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas S/N: T-61380. Went to 3rd AF. 14th Tow Target Sqdn at Camp Davis, NC.
James W. Styers, Jr.
Sudbury, Jack B.
Probably the Jack B. Sudbury who appears in the graduating class of 43-16 at Selman Field Navigational School, Monroe, LA. (See Selman Field, 1942-1946, Turner Publishing Company, p. 58,
Sullivan, John L.
He graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas S/N: O-813438. Went to AAF Pilot School at Sebring. He was in the 301st Bomb Gp 32nd Bomb Sqdn. On Jul. 26, 1944, he was pilot of a B-17G (S/N: 42-102913) with a crew of 10 on a mission to Weiner-Neudorf Aircraft Facility, Austria. He became a P.O.W. at the Stalag Lufts at Barth and Nuremburg (MACR #7124).
2nd Lt.
Simenole, Texas
John L. Sullivan
Sundheim, Fred G.
Student Officer: Second Lieutenant at Douglas. Walter Hoffmann was his Instructor. He had Basic at Canter and graduated from Blytheville Air Field, S/N: O-566859, and was assigned to Maxwell Field. He had several assignments, including 810-900 hours in a BT-13 Vultee instructor training, and became rated as a flight engineer in B-25's. Was promoted to 1st. Lt. in May 1945 and he was discharged in Dec. 1945. He continued his Law School and made a career of Law.
1st Lt.
Born Apr. 17, 1918, East Orange, N.J.
Wife: Maggie Sundheim
Of Stuart, FL.
Click here for his bio and pictures (a PDF).
Fred G. Sundheim
Sutphin, John Pershing
Graduated at George Field, IL and went on to Selman Field, LA.
1st Lt
Of Lyons, Indiana. Born Apr. 5, 1919 in Stockton, Greene Co, Indiana. Died 27 Jan 1998, Lyons, Greene, Indiana, USA. Buried Prairie Chapel Cemetery, Lyons, Indiana.
Married Beverly Edwards, Oct. 2, 1943 [The Indianapolis News (Indianapolis, Indiana) 05 Oct 1943, Tue, Page 10].
John P. Sutphin
Taylor, Thomas P., Jr.
Cadet Officer: Corporal, and Ben Epps was his instructor at Douglas. Graduated Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas S/N: O-813440. He was in the 8th Air Force as a B-24 co-pilot assigned to the 448th Bomb Group 713th Bomb Sqdn based at Seething, England and flew 33 missions. Received the DFC and Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters. See
of Hilton Head Island, S.C.
Thomas P. Taylor, Jr.
Teague, Giles Lamar
He graduated from Marianna Army Air Field in FL. as F.O. T-61368, then S/N: O-552732. He was assigned to Randolph Field. Later he was flying B-17s in the 398th Bomb Gp 602nd Bomb Sqdn based in Nuthampstead, England. He was copilot of a B-17g (serial number 42107610, named Boomerang), which was to fly in formation to bomb Bischofsheim, Germany. The B-17 never made it into formation. Eyewitness accounts said the bomber was smoking and in some difficulty and crashed into the sea. Some say the bomber exploded. There were no survivors. See MACR (accident report): #11243.
of Graham or Burlingham, N.C. in 1942.
Wife: Muriel.
Killed Dec. 30, 1944
Giles Lamar Teague
Thingvoid, Allen
Before becoming an aviation cadet, he was an air corps mechanic and instructor in aircraft engines. At Douglas, Ben Epps was his Instructor. Allen graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. Then he instructed for 6 months. Next it was instrument instruction for one year. After he requested overseas transfer, he was sent to Alaska flying P-47’s and C-54s in the ATC. He was discharged in Jan 1946. He had a nonprofit flying service with fellow cadet and childhood neighbor Otis Huset. He also worked for 35 years in marketing for oil companies.
Born June 15, 1920, Rice Lake, WI.
Rank achieved, Major.
of Aurora, Ill.
Allen Thingvoid
Thomas, Joseph L.
Flight Officer: S/N: T-061415. He was in the 5th Bomb Gp 72nd Bomb Sqdn. On Mar. 30, 1944 he was co-pilot on a B-24D (S/N: 42-48752) with a crew of 10 on a mission to the Truk Islands from Torokina. Over the target 30-40 fighters attacked the formation and a battle went for 1 hour and 15 minutes. The plane was hit but appeared to be under control and returning to base. However storms occurred, and the plane was never heard from again. (MACR #9146)
Mount Vernon, OH
Joseph L. Thomas
Thompson, William B.
Thornburg, Brice Edgar
Cadet Officer: Corporal, and Climer was his Instructor at Douglas. He went to Gunter Field for Basic and George Field, IL for Advanced. S/N: O-813609. Beginning Oct. 1, 1943, he was assigned all over the U.S. He was in the 491st Bomb Gp 853rd Bomb Sqdn. On Nov. 26, 1944, he was co-pilot on a B-24 H (S/N: 41-29464) with a crew of 9 on a mission to Misburg, Germany. His plane was shot down and he became a P.O.W. in Stalag-Luft West. Before his retirement in 1970 did three overseas tours. He flew B-17, B-24, B-25, C-47, C-54, B-26, C-45 and others for a total of approx. 11,400 hours.
Wife: Betty Thornburg
Of Davidson, N.C. and later of Summerville, S.C.
Click here for his picture.
Brice E. Thornburg
Thursby, Robert R.
Timian, Howard L.
He graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas, S/N: O-813443. Went to AAF Pilot School at Sebring.
from Milwaukee.
Howard L. Timian
Tolbert, James
Tonning, Charles T.
He graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. Went to AAF Pilot School at Sebring, FL. He was in the 463rd Bomb Gp 773rd Bomb Sqdn.
Charles T. Tonning
Trantham, Hugh W.
S/N: 6937024. He was an AAEG with the 450th Bomb Gp 721st Bomb Sqdn. On Aug. 10, 1944 he was a gunner (an "AAEG") on a B-24 H (S/N: 41-28973) on a mission to the Ploesti Oil Fields, Rumania. His plane was hit by flack over the target and the crew bailed out. He became a P.O.W. (MACR #7675)
Walnut Ridge, AR
Probably born: May 2, 1920 and died: Apr. 26, 1994
Hugh W. Trantham
Vannar, Harold P., Jr.
Vesely, Edward Joseph
Graduated Marianna Army Air Field in FL. S/N: O-812907. Went to 3rd AF at Dale Malbry Field, Tampa, FL. He was in the 363rd Fighter Gp 381st Fighter Sqdn. On June 15, 1944 he was flying a P-51B (S/N: 43-7138) on a dive-bombing mission on Granville, France. Over the target, his plane was hit by intense light flak. His engine caught fire and he bailed out halfway between Granville and Sainte-Mère-Église. (MACR #6052)
2nd Lt.
of IA or Somerville, NJ
Edward Joseph Vesely
Vitale, Hector F.
Cadet Officer: Corporal, and Whitcomb Slate was his instructor at Douglas. Had basic at Gunter Air Force Base, Montgomery, AL. Graduated at Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813445. “Hec” served with the 8th A.F. 303rd Bomb Gp 360th Bomb Sqdn in England, flying B-17's for 31 missions. He was discharged in June '45 but was recalled in '48 to fly C-54's for 220 trips to Berlin in the Berlin Airlift. Afterward he went to work for American Airlines as a Pilot, retiring in 1980.
of RI and Atkinson, NH
Hector F. Vitale
Vogel, Louis L.
Bob Lape was his instructor until his solo then Charles Sherrill took over. He graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas, S/N: O-813446. He flew 40 missions in the S.W. Pacific.
Wife: Pose Vogel
Louis L. Vogel
Wall, James J., Jr.
Possibly a Sgt (S/N: 6278319) in the 36th Airways Detachment, when he perished on Jan. 7, 1945 when the plane in which he was riding crashed into the sea (MACR #15704).
of Carson TX
Wallace, George
Graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas, S/N: O-813448. Assigned to ATC Domestic Trans. Division at Billy Mitchell Field, WI. He served for one year in Dutch Guiana.
George Wallace
Wardowski, Stanley
Graduated from Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas, S/N: O-813449. Went to AAF Pilot School at Sebring, FL. He was in the 303rd Bomb Gp 427th Bomb Sqdn. On June 28, 1944 he was the pilot of a B-17G (S/N: 42-31200) with a crew of 9 on a mission to Juvincourt Airfield, France. the plane was hit by flak and caught fire. Six of the crew bailed out, but then the plane nosed over and dived down. Wardowski was killed (MACR #6740).
2nd Lt.
Seymour, CT
Stanley Wardowski
Warren, Samuel J.
Washko, Walter W.
Cadet Officer: Corporal at Douglas. Graduated at Blytheville Army Airfield, Arkansas. S/N: O-813450, September 1943. He was in the 459th Bomb Gp 756th Bomb Sqdn.
1st Lt.
Walter W. Washko
Willingham, Arthur P.
Student Officer: Second Lieutenant and Walt Hoffmann was his Instructor at Douglas. He had Basic at Gunter Field and Advanced at Blytheville. He was in the 440th Troop Carrier Group 097th Troop Carrier Squadron. He separated from the Service at Ellington Field, TX. in Sept 1945. Then he worked for the FAA until recalled for Korea in Oct. 1948. He was in Okinawa from July 1949 until Aug. 1951. Then was with the 27th Fighter Group (F-84Gs) at Austin, TX. In Aug. 1953 he went to the Military Advisory Group in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Next was transition to B-47’s at McConnell A.F.B. Then 3 years at Whitman A.F.B. Mo. in B-47’s. In July 1960 to the 43rd Boat Wing at Carswell A.F.B. TX. This was the 1st operational group to have the supersonic B-58. The entire group moved to Little Rock, Ark, in Aug. 1964. Art Retired in Oct 1965 with 24 years of service.
Lt. Col.
Wife: Benny Jo “B.J.” Willingham
Of Big Bear Lake, CA.
Arthur P. Willingham
Zalaha, Tom N.
Student Officer: Second Lieutenant at Douglas. He was a ROTC graduate at the A&M College at Las Cruces as of May 12, 1942. He enlisted in Albuquerque, NM May 12, 1942 and was stationed at Camp Wolters, TX (an infantry replacement training center) in 1942. His S/N was O-445631. Then he went through pilot training, probably starting in August 1943 at Maxwell Field in Alabama for Preflight and Douglas for Primary.

His discharge papers suggest he was proficient in twin engines and C-54 transport. He served in Luzon, Southern Philippines, and New Guinea.

Probably Capt.
Born Jan. 13, 1921
Died Aug. 25, 1998
See FindAGrave
Tom N. Zalaha

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