World War II Flight Training Museum and
63rd AAF Flying Training Detachment

Douglas, Georgia

Class 1943-B

Class 1943-B – World War II Flight Training Museum and the Douglas 63rd Preservation Society, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Home > Cadets > Class 1943-B

(Scheduled to graduate from Advanced as officers Feb, 16, 1943)

Click here for a picture of a squadron of this class.

Arthur, Thomas Bernard
He had Basic at Greenville, MS. and graduated from Blytheville AAfld, Arkansas, S/N: O-797444. He flew submarine patrol out of Langley Field, VA. Then he went to the So. Pacific and was assigned to the 868th Bomb Sq of the 13th Air Force on New Guinea. It is believed he was shot down over the ocean on his 13th mission after a raid on the island of Truk. Click here for more information.
of Reidsville, N.C.
Berry, Buford E.
Bowen, Robert Orrin
Robert washed out at Douglas. Later he was in the reserves where he made Lt. Col
of Concord, MA.
Brewer, Homer Thompson
He had Basic at Greenville, MS. and graduated at Blytheville AAfld, Arkansas, S/N: O-797453. He was a B-24 pilot assigned to the 451st Bomber Grp 727th Bomber Sqdn flying in the Mediterranean Theater. On October 13, 1944 he was pilot of the lead crew of of B-24s on a mission to Vienna. Just as the bombs were about to be dropped, his plane took a direct hit in the bomb bay. His plane exploded but he and his crew bailed out. He became a POW imprisoned at Luft Stalag 3/7A. (MACR #9088)
of Atlanta, Ga.
Wife: Lenora Brewer
Homer T. Brewer
Brodt, Robert Henry
He had Basic at Greenville, MS. and graduated from Blytheville AAfld, Arkansas. 0-797456. He flew B-29’s but did not serve outside the U.S.A.
Click here to see another picture
1st Lt.
Wife: Marnie Brodt
of Fairmont, MN.
Robert H. Brodt
Campbell, Frank Paul
Had Basic at Greenville, MS
Cantwell, Frank Pierce
Charles Stanton was his Instructor at Douglas. He had Basic at Greenville, MS. Was promoted to Major. Flew B-17 and B-29’s, all in the USA. Was ready to go to Okinawa when the "Bomb" was dropped.
Of Morristown, Tenn.
Wife is Marian.
Chase, Benjamin Bloodworth
Charles Stanton was his instructor. He had Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated with the Class of 43B at Blytheville AAFd, S/N: O-797470. He was a B-24 pilot assigned to the 376th Bomber Grp 512th Bomber Sqdn flying in the Mediterranean Theater. On a mission on February 23, 1944 to Steyr, Austria he was shot-down, he bailed out but was fatally wounded (MACR #2584). See
Of Jacksonville, FL. in 1942.
Benjamin B. Chase
Christopher, Roy
Coachman, Bonnell Ponteaux
Charles Stanton was his instructor. He had Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated with the Class of 43B at Napier AAFd. He was a B-29A pilot assigned to the 2nd Bomber Grp 49th Bomber Sqdn flying from Davis-Monthan AAFd, Tuscon, AZ and was killed in a take-off accident on December 16, 1947. He was flying B-29-55-BA Superfortress #44-84036. The accident was described as: Engine failures, crashed within sight of the control tower while attempting an emergency return to the airfield. (See Find-a-Grave)
Born 21 Feb. 1922, in Donalsonville, GA
Cohn, Carroll Wardlaw
Charles Stanton was his instructor
Of Winston Salem, N.C.
Coleman, Lewis William
Basic at Greenville, MS. He was a P-47 pilot assigned to the 58th Fighter Grp 310th Fighter Sqdn while flying training missions in the USA.
Connell, Ralph Jackson
Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated Blytherville AAfld, Arkansas, S/N: O-797476. He was a B-17 pilot assigned to the 384th Bomber Grp 544th Bomber Sqdn flying from England and was killed in action on November 13, 1943 near Wargrave, England.

Click here for a picture of him in his PT-17 Stearman at Douglas, GA.
Ralph J. Connell
Connelly, Sam Roth Jr.
Sam had Basic at Greenville, MS. and graduated from Blytheville AAfld, Arkansas. S/N: O-797477. He was a B-24 pilot assigned to the 389th Bomber Grp 565th Bomber Sqdn flying from England. On November 13, 1943 he was pilot of B-24D (S/N: 42-72868) on a mission to Bremen, Germany. His plane may have been hit by fire, but his plane crashed into another B-24 and broke up. He was killed in action (MACR #2501).
2nd Lt.
of Stone Mountain, GA. or Hamilton, TN
Born: 1918
Sam R. Connelly
Conrad, Lewis James
He had Basic at Greenville, MS. S/N: O-797478?
Of Swampscott MA.
Lewis J. Conrad
Considine, Thomas Arvinas
He was assigned to the 475th Fighter Group Headquarters in the South-West Pacific Area. See
From MD
Dahl, Rollin Elliott
He was a navigator who graduated with the Class of 43-05 at Selman Field located near Monroe, Louisiana on April 10, 1943. For burial info, see
Born 1916
Died 2-25-1964
Davis, Alan Carver
Ben Rainville was his instructor at Douglas. He washed out at Douglas, with 11 hours and 11 minutes. He then went to O.C.S. and after that he was in Armored Forces in tanks. He transferred back to the Air Force and was trained as a Bombardier. He was a graduate of the Class of 44-07 at Midland AAFd. S/N: O-1018672. He was a B-24 bombardier assigned to the 376th Bomber Grp 513th Bomber Sqdn flying missions in the Mediterranean. On December 18, 1944 on a mission south of Vienna, Austria, his B-24 was shot down by heavy flak. He spent the rest of the war as a P.O.W. in Stalag Luft #1 on the Baltic (MACR #10920).
1st Lt.
Wife: Madolyn Davis
of Exeter, N.H.
Davis, William Ripley
He had Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated from Blytheville AAfld, Arkansas. S/N: O-797485. He served in the Air Force and in the reserve, including in command of the flight school at San Marcus, TX
Wife: Gladys Davis
of Waltham, MA.
William R. Davis
Delaurier, Arnold Paul
Basic at Greenville, MS. He was probably a graduate of the Class of 43C, S/N: O-797029. He was a pilot receiving specialized radar training at Boca Raton AAFd.
Denton, Joseph Norman
Basic at Greenville, MS. He was a graduate of the Class of 43B at Blytheville AAFd.
From TN
Joseph N. Denton
Dodge, Sherman Metcalfe
Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated Blytheville AAfld, Arkansas.  S/N: O-797491. He was a B-17 pilot assigned to the 94th Bomber Grp 331st Bomber Sqdn flying missions from England and was KIA on October 14,1943 during the historic shuttle raid on Schweinfurt, Germany (MACR #791). See FindAGrave.
From MA
Sherman M. Dodge
Doll, Roderick Schiller
Basic at Greenville, MS. S/N: O-2024038. He retired as a Major USAF in December 1966.
Donahue, Duncan R.
He was a graduate of the Class of 43B at Napier Field, S/N: O-798104. He was a P-47 pilot assigned to the 352nd Fighter Grp 487th Fighter Sqdn known as  "The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney". On September 8, 1944, he was flying a P-51 D-10 (S/N: 44-14109) on a mission when small arms fire or debris from a bombing on a train hit his plane. His plane lost coolant and crashed. He was KIA. Initially buried in Schellenbach, Germany (MACR #8698)
From NY
Donahue, James Joseph “Bobby”
He graduated and went into single engines. Bobby was killed on a strafing mission in Germany, on his 2nd tour in P-51's.
Donahue, John Francis
Basic at Greenville, MS
Donohue, Walter Patrick
Basic at Greenville, MS
Dries, Howard Thomas
Gordon Bellah was his instructor at Douglas. Howard washed out at Basic training, at Greenville Ms. He was a navigator assigned to the 487th Bomber Grp 837th Bomber Sqdn flying missions in B-24s and later B-17s from England He also flew B-29’s in Korea and KC-135’s VietNam. He was also Navigator for General Curtis LeMay.
Of Biloxi, Miss.
Driscoll, Eugene Raymond
Basic at Greenville, MS
Duffy, John Edwin
Elman, Richard Spencer
He had basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated Blytheville S/N: O-497496.
Of Leonia, NJ
Richard S. Elemen
(Last name in picture likely misspelled)
Evans, Henry Raiford
Basic at Greenville, MS. He became a flight instructor at Darr Aero Tech where he met his future wife, Mary Frances George (per her obituary). See FindAGrave.
Born 20 Feb 1916, Athens, Georgia
Died 19 Nov 1983, Fulton County, Georgia
Henry R. Evans
Farris, Henry Raymond
Basic at Greenville, MS. He was a graduate of the Class of 43B at Napier Field, S/N: O-798113. He was a P-51 pilot assigned to the 23rd Fighter Grp 76th Fighter Sqdn known as  "The Flying Tigers" and was in a forced landing on April 29, 1944 and Died Of Injuries in India. He is credited with one aerial victory on Dec. 22, 1943 in China (see Find-a-Grave).
1LT Born Dec. 3, 1921
Died Apr. 29, 1944
From SC
Fausel, Edward Victor
Fein, Howard (nmi)
He was a graduate of the Class of 43-10 at Childress AAFd on July 15, 1943, S/N: O-685822. He was a B-24 bombardier assigned to the 466th Bomber Grp 787th Bomber Sqdn flying missions from England. On May 13, 1944 his plane was hit in the cockpit by a fighter and crashed near Boostedt, Segeberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. He was KIA (MACR #4824). He was originally buried in the village churchyard. Awarded the Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster.  (see Find-a-Grave) Photo from Item #48 named "Bombs Away 43-10 Childress, Texas". See
From Brooklyn, NY
Howard Fein
Fenfert, Edward
Basic at Greenville, MS. He was a B-17 pilot assigned to the 483rd Bomber Grp 817th Bomber Sqdn flying missions in the Mediterranean.
Flahive, Paul Aloysius
Basic at Greenville, MS. and graduated at Blytheville AAfld, Arkansas. S/N: O-797502. He served in the 8th A.F. 96th Bomb Group in England. He was pilot of a B-17G (S/N: 42-37752) and crew of 10 and was shot down on a mission to Bremen Germany (MACR #853). He was a P.O.W. for a time.
Wife: Nancy Flahive
Of Watkins Glen, N.Y.
Paul A. Flahive
Flathers, George Williams
He had Basic at Greenville, Ms. and graduated from Blytheville AAfld, Arkansas. S/N: O-797504. He was a B-17 pilot assigned to the 301st Bomber Grp 419th Bomber Sqdn flying missions in the Mediterranean. He was awarded the DFC and Air Medal with 6 oak Leaf Clusters (see After the war he was a T.W.A. pilot.
Of Fitchburg, MA.
George W. Flathers
Ford, Lewis Merrill
Basic at Greenville, MS
Fortune, Andrew James
Caeser Miles was his instructor. He had Basic at Greenville, MS. He was a graduate of the Class of 43B at Blytheville AAFd.
Capt.Wife: Alvira Fortune
of Saranac Lake, N.Y.
Fox, Albert Edward
Basic at Greenville, MS. He was a graduate of the Class of 43B at Napier Field, S/N: O-798117. He was a A-20 pilot assigned to the 409th Bomber Grp 640th Bomber Sqdn flying training missions in the USA and was killed in a flying accident on January 29, 1944 in Louisiana.
From NY
Fredd, John Norman
Basic at Greenville, MS. He was a graduate of the Class of 43B at Napier Field, S/N: O-798118. He was a B-24 pilot assigned to the 450th Bomber Grp 720th Bomber Sqdn flying missions in the Mediterranean and was shotdown and KIA on July 19, 1944 on a mission to Munich, Germany. (MACR #7096). See
From  DE
Fredenburgh, Francis Delbert Jr.
Basic at Greenville, MS. He was a graduate of the Class of 43B at Napier Field, S/N: O-798119. He was a P-47 pilot assigned to the 348th Fighter Grp 341st Fighter Sqdn known as "Kearby's Thunderbolts".
Giles, Richard Spencer
Basic at Greenville, MS
Goldis, Alfred (nmi)
Joe Thalman was his instructor. He had Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated form Blytheville AAfld, Arkansas.  S/N: O-797513. He was a B-24 pilot assigned to the 376th Bomber Grp 514th Bomber Sqdn known as "The Liberandos" flying missions. He had 50 missions in B-24s in N. Africa and Italy. See
Wife: Shirley Goldis
of Manhattan, N.Y.
Alfred Goldis
Graham, John Taylor
He had Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated at Blytheville AAfld, Arkansas. S/N: O-797517. He was a B-24 pilot assigned to the 464th Bomber Grp 776th Bomber Sqdn flying missions in the Mediterranean.
Of Jacksonville, FL.
John T. Graham
Grant, Edward Francis "Moose"
Instructor was Caesar Miles. He had Basic at Greenville, MS and graduated from Advanced at Blytheville AAfld, Arkansas, S/N: O-797519. He was a B-29 pilot assigned to the 497th Bomber Grp 869th Bomber Sqdn flying missions in the Central Pacific out of Saipan. Flew AT-6’s as a Mosquito pilot in Korea. Flew C-54’s during the Berlin Airlift.
CPT Retired as a Colonel.
Of Stamford, Conn.
Edward F. Grant
Halligan, Terence (nmi)
S/N: O-800654. He was a B-26 navigator assigned to the 320th Bomber Grp 441st Bomber Sqdn flying missions in Europe. On March 15, 1944 his plane was shotdown and crashed. He was declared MIA and then KIA. The rest of the crew bailed out and survived (MACR #3219).
From NY
Harrell, Hugh Williams
Basic at Greenville, MS. He was a P-47 pilot assigned to the Gunnery Station for Fighters based at the Brownsville Municipal Airport located in South Texas in August 1945.
Hastings, Alton Bassett
He had Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated at Blytheville AAfld, Arkansas with Class 44C. S/N: O-799396.
Of Athol, MA.
Henderson, Allan Douglas
He had Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated at Blytheville AAfld, Arkansas.
Of Beechurst, NJ.
Allan D. Henderson
Henderson, Francis H.
Herrod, Francis Howard
Dick Wheelus was his instructor. Basic at Greenville, MS.
Hill, Robert Buckman
Paul Schlundt was his instructor. He soloed Aug. 24, 1942. He had Basic at Greenville, MS. Later was checked out as 1st Pilot on B-17’s at Boise, Ida. Then to Oklahoma City in B-25’s and A-26s.
from Philadelphia, PA.
Hopkins, Peter Augustus Jr.
Basic at Greenville. MS, and Advanced at Blytheville AAfld, Arkansas, S/N:O-797535. Was assigned to a B-24 Training Group in Tucson, Arizona and Pocatello, Idaho. Went to North Africa with the 98th Bomber Grp, 9th Air Force and conducted bombing missions to Italy and Austria from there. He then moved into the 12th and 15th Air Forces in Italy and started bombing Germany. After 50 missions, he returned to Charleston, SC to train B-24 crews and remained there until the war ended.
of Lake Placid, N.Y.
Hotchkiss, Olin Eugene
Dick Wheelus was his instructor. He had Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated as a bombardier with the Class of 43-11 (August 8, 1943) at Midland Field (Texas). He was a B-24 bombardier assigned to the 451st Bomber Group, 724th Bomber Sqdn flying missions in the Mediterranean. He flew his 50 combat missions and came home.
Olin E. Hotchkiss
Hoyt, Charles Williams Jr.
He graduated from Blytheville AAfld, Arkansas, S/N: O-797590. He was a B-17 pilot assigned to the 483rd Bomber Group 840th Bomber Sqdn flying missions in the Mediterranean.
2nd LT
of Ft. Wadsworth, N.Y.
Hund, George Joseph
Dick Wheelus was his instructor. He had Basic at Greenville, Ms. He was flight instructor based at Newport Basic Flying School at Newport, Arkansas in early 1944.
1st LT
From NY
Hunt, James Edward
J.B. Knox was his instructor. He had Basic at Greenville, MS.
from Penn.
Hunt, William Eustis
S/N: O-797541. He was a B-24 pilot assigned to the 34th Bomber Group 7th Bomber Sqdn flying training missions in the western USA and was killed in a flying accident in California on June 21, 1943. His B-24E Liberator #42-7118 collided with Parker Peak, near June Lake, California. All seven crew aboard were killed.
from Satartia, Miss
William E. Hunt
Husske, George Randolph
James B. Knox was his Instructor. He had Basic at Greenville, MS and Advanced at George Army Air Corps Field, Lawrence County, IL. S/N: O-798649. He was a P-47 test pilot assigned to the 50th Service Group based with the Eighth Air Force in England in early 1944. He stayed in the Air Force until he retired in 1963.
LT, later Major
Wife: Ann Husske
Of Dubuque, Iowa.
Huston, William Hilary
J.B. Knox was his instructor. Served in the U.S.A. during WWII. He was also in Vietnam.
Phyllis Huston - wife
of Essington (Phila.), PA
Hutcheon, Charles Jr
J.B. Knox was his instructor. On Aug 25, 1942, Hutcheon had an accident in a PT-17 (41-8779) at Douglas.
He had Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated from Blytheville AAFd with the Class of 43B, S/N O-797543. He was a B-24 pilot assigned to the 5th Bomber Group 23rd Bomber Sqdn flying missions in the South Central Pacific. See
From Maine
James, Robert Howe
Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated from advanced with the Class of 43H at Moody Field, S/N: O-810885. He was a B-17 pilot assigned to the 384th Bomber Group 544th Bomber Sqdn flying missions from England. From the Clinch County News of Homerville, GA, Sept 22, 1944: 1st Lt. Robert H. James, 24, of Homerville, Ga., returned from service outside the continental United States, now is being processed at Army Air Forces Dedistribution Station No. 2 at Miami Beach where his next assignment will be determined. Lt. James, a B-17 Flying Fortress pilot, flew 31 missions during six months in the European theatre of operations and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, and the Air Medal with three oak leaf clusters. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. James of Route No. 2, Homerville. His wife, Alma, resided in Tye River, Va.
Homerville GA
Johnson, Carl
Basic at Greenville, Ms
Johnson, James Blain
Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated at Blytheville AA fld, Ark. S/N: O-797546
Memphis, TN
James B. Johnson
Jones, Francis Logan Jr.
Basic at Greenville, MS
Kearin, George Thomas
Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated from Blytheville AAFd with the Class of 43B, S/N: O-797551. He was a B-17 co-pilot assigned to the 92nd Bomber Group 327th Bomber Sqdn in England. On August 12, 1943, on his first mission, he was co-pilot on a B-17G (S/N: 42-5801) on a mission to Germany, when the plane was shot down by a FW190. He bailed out and became a POW at Luft Stalag 3 (MACR #656).
Bronx, N.Y.
George T. Kearin
Keating, Philip James
Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated at Blytheville AA fld, Ark. S/N: O-797552
Ventnor City, N.J.
Philip J. Keating
Kincaid, Robert Harrison Jr.
Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated at Blytheville AA fld, Ark. S/N: O-797553. He was an AT-10 instructor pilot with the Stuttgart Army Air Field in early 1944.
Memphis, TN
Robert H. Kincaid
King, Richard Quitman
Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated from Midland AAFd with the Class of 43-10 on July 15, 1943, S/N: O-685408. He was a bombardier instructor at Midland AAFd.
Kirby, Julian Benton
Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated at Blytheville AA fld, Ark. S/N: O-797558
Gaffney, S.C.
Julian B. Kirby
Kivimaki, Toivo Kalervo
He was delayed to class 43C. Basic at Gunter AFB, Montgomery, AL
Kohn, Carroll W.
Krupinski, Steve Castmer
Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated at Blytheville AA fld, Ark. S/N: O-797561. He was a B-29 Superfortress pilot assigned to the 444th Bomber Group 677th Bomber Sqdn flying missions from India and was killed in Action over China on June 15, 1944.
Syracuse, N.Y.
Steve C. Krupinski
LaManna, Joseph Charles
Killed in a flying accident near this base (Douglas, Ga) on Sept. 10, 1942 in a PT-17 (S/N: 41-25340). (See Find-a-Grave). Click here for a newspaper article on his crash and his life.
Avn Cadet
Latvic , John William
Basic at Greenville, MS
Lee, Fred Leslie
Basic at Greenville, MS
Lee, Walter Patrick (Walt)
Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated at Blytheville AA fld, Ark, S/N: O-797562. He was a B-24 Liberator pilot assigned to the 451st Bomber Group 725th Bomber Sqdn flying missions in the Mediterranean. Retired from the Air Force as Lt. Col.
Diane Lee - wife
Of Hurleyville, N.Y.
Walter P. Lee
Lombard, Gerald Paul
Enlisted 23 Mar 1942. Delayed to class 43C (see his entry in class of 1943C).
Loring, Charles Joseph Jr. (Chuck)
Served in WWII with the 36th Fighter Group's 22nd Squadron. He was shot down over Belgium on his 56th mission and was a prisoner until war's end. Major Loring went to Korea in 1952 with the 8th Fighter Bomber Group and was assigned to the 36th and 80th Squadrons. He was killed while leading a flight of four F-80 jets in a close support mission. After being hit repeatedly by ground fire, he dove his plane into the gun emplacements, destroying all of them. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for his sacrifice (the Medal of Honor is the highest award possible). Loring AFB in Maine was later named after him.

Click here for more info and a picture.

Oct. 2, 1918 - Nov. 22, 1952
Charles J. Loring in front of his P-47 in 22 Fighter Sqdn.Charles J. Loring in front of his P-47 in 22 Fighter Sqdn.
Lux, Frank Orf
Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated from Napier AAFd with the Class of 43B, S/N: O-798146. He was a P-47 Thunderbolt pilot assigned to the 359th Fighter Group 370th Fighter Sqdn flying his missions from England. See

He received an Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster.

As Major Lux, he was with the 56th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron sometime between 27 November 1952-1 March 1960. See

1LT, Major
From Albany, NY
Lynch, Zollie Cecil Jr.
No Information
Maas, Robert Albert
No Information
Mankin, Charles Weslie Jr.
Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated from Napier AAFd with the Class of 43B, S/N:O-798147. He was a B-24 Liberator pilot assigned to the 93rd Bomber Group 409th Bomber Sqdn flying missions from England. On March 2, 1944 on his 5th mission, his plane (S/N: 42-100345) was hit and as he bailed out, it blew up. He did not resume consciousness and did not pull his rip cord. He was declared Killed in Action (MACR #2907).
From FL
Charles Weslie Mankin
Mardin, Clayton Lloyd
Basic at Greenville, MS. S/N: O-1183571. He served in Hawaii as a Liaison Pilot with the 369th Field Artillery Battalion with the 98th Infantry Division and was killed in a flying accident on May 4, 1945. See an article about Mardin and the dedication of a base named after him (will open in a new window).
From NH
Born April 20, 1920
Martin, Donald Grant
Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated from Napier AAFd with the Class of 43B, S/N: O-798148. He was a B-29 Superfortress pilot assigned to the 500th Bomber Group 883rd Bomber Sqdn flying missions from Saipan located in the Central Pacific.
From VA
Martin, Edward Alfred
Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated from Blytheville AAFd with the Class of 43B, S/N: O-797572. He was a B-17 pilot assigned to the 96th Bomber Group 338th Bomber Sqdn known as "The Snetterton Falcons" flying missions from England.
Edward A. Martin
McArthur, William
Basic at Greenville, MS
McCafferty, Daniel Ewing
Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated at Blytheville AAfld, Ark, S/N: O-797574. He was a B-17 pilot assigned to the 351st Bomber Group 508th Bomber Sqdn flying missions from England. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, and a Presidential Citation. He had finished his tour and was assigned to the 2nd Ferrying Group based at New Castle, Delaware, from which he was flying as a co-pilot on a C-54E (44-9026) transport plane that crashed on July 20, 1945 and he was killed. (see Find-a-Grave).
Born at Amory, Mississippi, March 26, 1922
Daniel E. McCafferty
McCammon, William Henry
Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated (S/N: O-798664). He was a pilot assigned to the 385th Bomb Group flying B-17s.
From PA
McElroy, Vincent Raymond
He was a navigator who graduated at Selman Field in the Class of 43-04 on March 20, 1943.
Methot, Hector Francis
Transferred from regular army to Army Air Forces on May 12, 1941.
He was a Sgt stationed at Selma, AL in May 1944. See article about his journey to becoming an aviation cadet.
Of Fitchburg, MA.
Born 06/05/1916
Died 05/07/2007
Buried San Jose, CA
Millen, Louis
Paul Plaginos was his instructor. Basic at Gunter AFB, Montgomery, AL. He was a bombardier/navigator who graduated from Selman Field in the Class of 43-12 (09-04-43) and then went on to the Roswell AAFd in New Mexico to graduate with the Class of 43-18 (12-24-43). (see Find-a-Grave)
Born Jan. 1, 1918
Died Dec. 8, 2000
Minton, Thomas James Jr.
On Aug 27, 1942, he had an accident in a PT-17 (41-25684) while at Douglas.
He had Basic at Greenville MS. He graduated from Napier AAFd with the Class of 43B, S/N: O-798152.
From MA
Mirbach, Frederick Louis
No Information
Monaghan, Edward Joseph
Basic at Greenville MS
Monaghan, James Anthony
No Information
Monroe, James Harrison
No Information
Moose, Roy Clifton
He was an Intelligence Officer assigned to the 321st Bomber Group 447th Bomber Sqdn based in the Mediterranean Theater. See
Charlotte, N.C
Moreau, Miles Raymond
No Information
Morgan, Drexel D.
He graduated from Craig Field with the Class of 43C, S/N: O-799230. He was a P-47 pilot assigned to the 404th Fighter Group 508th Fighter Sqdn flying missions in Europe.
From DE
Mosby, Harold Woodson
On Sept 12, 1942, he had a flying accident at Douglas in a PT-17 (41-8001).
He had Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated at Blytheville AA fld, Ark. S/N: O-797582. He was a B-24 Liberator pilot assigned to the 5th Bomber Group 394th Bomber Sqdn flying missions in the South Central Pacific.
Indianola, MS
Harold W. Mosby
Murchison, John Dabney
Basic at Greenville, MS. Served in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations and earned the DFC. See
From Dallas County, Tx
Born Sept 5, 1921
Died June 14, 1979
Murphy, Joseph Francis
Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated at Blytheville AA fld, Ark. S/N: O-797585
St. Albans, L.I., N.Y.
Joseph F. Murphy
Nall, William Crooks
Enlistment Date: 14 Mar 1942. Basic at Greenville, MS. According to the Santa Rosa Republican (Santa Rosa, California) 13 Oct 1943, Wed, Page 1:
Lt. William C. Nall, 23, of Highland, Calif, was a pilot in a P-40 group, called the "Burma Banshees", who dropped bombs on a Japanese nerve center that had been launching attacks against the Allies working on the Burma Road. See FindAGrave, where he is listed in the CBI theater and as a Capt.
From Macon (probably Macon County), NC
Birth Date: 25 Jan 1920 in Olympia, Washington
Death Date: 3 Jul 1995 in Cobb, Georgia.
Newell, Jacob Karl
Basic at Greenville, MS
Nix, Henry Daniel
Enlisted 16 Mar 1942 in Jacksonville, Florida. Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated at Blytheville AAfld, Ark. S/N: O-797588. Retired as Major
Born 1921
Wife - Sue Nix
Of Tucker, GA.
Henry D. Nix
Noble, George Corbin
Basic at Greenville, MS
O'Brien, Douglas Gifford
Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated at Blytheville AA fld, Ark. S/N: O-797589. He was a B-17 pilot assigned to the 388th Bomb Group 561st Bomb Sqdn in England. He flew for 25 missions.
Lee O'Brien - wife Annapolis, MD
Olin, Robert James
Graduated at Blytheville AAfld, Ark. S/N: O-797590. He was a B-17 pilot assigned to the 388th Bomber Group 560th Bomber Sqdn flying missions out of England. Later he was checked out on B-52’s. (see Find-a-Grave)
Born Jan. 20, 1917
Died Mar. 18, 1976
From Oneida, N.Y
Robert J. Olin
Orenstein, Isadore
Paul Schlundt was his instructor. He washed out at Douglas. He graduated as a navigator with the Class of 43-06 at Selman Field located near Monroe, Louisiana on May 1, 1943.
Palmer, Harry Kingman
Paul Schlundt was his instructor. Basic at Greenville, MS. Later he was a fighter pilot, at Waycross, GA. Then was an A-20 pilot assigned to the 42nd Bomber Grp 53rd Bomber Sqdn flying training missions out of Will Rogers Field located in central Oklahoma in June 1943. He hit a tree, was fined and confined to quarters. He was next a B-25 "Strafer" pilot with the 345th Bomber Grp 499th Bomber Sqdn.
Buffalo, N.Y.
Parker, John M.
No Information
Parker, Max Franklin
Paul Schlundt was his instructor. He washed out in basic at Greenville, Miss. He graduated as a 2nd Lt. as a Bombardier May 29, 1943. He flew 30 missions from England over Germany. Then was shot down and was a P.O.W. for 8 months, probably in Stalag Luft #1. A dog tag found in German records shows a Max F. Parker S/N: O-746667. Because of his experience as a butcher, he butchered cattle herded into the prison by the Russians on VE day. See
Rebecca Parker - wife.
Of Monroe, N.C.
He worked as a butcher in his father’s grocery store in Monroe, North Carolina.
Parks, Sam Alexander
Paul Schlundt was his instructor. Had Basic at Greenville, MS. He went into Bombers. He flew 20 missions and on the 17th he was shot up badly while over Toyko. This ended in a bad crash at the home field (one of 3 that he had). He was flying a B-29 named “Ernie Pyle’s Milk Wagon”. He had 150 Combat hours. Then 16 months as an instructor at Blytheville AA fld, Ark. S/N: O-797592
Carolyn Parks - wife
Of Stalling, N.C.
Sam A. Parks
Pausha, Joseph John
Rundlett was his instructor. Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated from Blytheville AAFd with the Class of 43B, S/N: O-797594. He was a B-17 first pilot assigned to the 2nd Bomber Grp 49th Bomber Sqdn based in the Mediterranean Theater. On February 2, 1944 he was pilot of a B-17G (S/N: 42-31873) with a crew of 10 on a mission to Steyr, Austria. His squadron of 6 B-17s was aggressively attacked by enemy aircraft, and all 6 planes were shot down. He and his crew bailed out, and he became a POW at Luft Stalag 1 (MACR #2710).
From NY
Joseph J. Pausha
Perschbach, Edward Studley
Rundlett was his instructor. Basic at Greenville, MS. He was a P-39 Aircobra pilot assigned to the 432nd Photo Recon Group 3rd TRS flying training missions over Florida in late 1943. Was later a captain.
Phillips, John Rolla
Rundlett was his instructor. Basic at Greenville, MS. Click here for his 60 hour check card and his picture (a PDF). He graduated from Napier AAFd with the Class of 43B, S/N: O-798164. From the auction of his possessions on ebay: "Major John Rolla Phillips enlisted in 1942 as an aviation cadet in the USAAF. Leaving his home in rural Vermont, Phillips went on to become a well-renowned trainer of fighter pilots beginning with the P39 and moving to the P38s and P47s as the war went on. At the end of the war Phillips began work on the development of fighter jets and would go on to serve in Korea as a pilot of the experimental F-94 Starfire. The new craft was the first with afterburner and were equipped with high level radar for night fighting operations. In May of 1953 Phillips would become the first US pilot to successfully shoot down an enemy MIG 15 while patrolling “MIG Alley” in the predawn hours. His success in service earned his the Distinguished Flying across and two Air Medals along with over 7,000 hours of flight time." From
John R. Phillips
Philpotts, Harvey Lewis Jr.
He is listed among the new cadets from Richmond, VA in The Times Dispatch (Richmond, Virginia), Sun, 22 Mar 1942, Page 8. Rundlett was his instructor. Basic at Greenville, MS. He was a P-40 Warhawk pilot assigned to the 8th Photo Recon Group 20th TRS flying missions over China.
Of Richmond, VA
Born 15 Jan 1918
Died 11 Apr 1974, Richmond, Henrico, Virginia, USA
Poore, Forrest Virgil
He graduated from Blytheville AAFd with the Class of 43B, S/N: O-797601. He was a B-17 pilot assigned to the 385th Bomber Grp 551st Bomber Sqdn flying missions from England. On December 11, 1943 his plane was shotdown by fighters, and he became a POW at Luft Stalag 1 (MACR #1664). He retired from the USAF as a Lt Col.
From FL
Forrest V. Poore
Progin, Kenneth Paul
Basic at Greenville, MS. in October 1942 Graduated at Blytheville AA fld, Ark. S/N: O-797605 in Feb 1943. He achieved the rank of 2nd lieutenant and became a flight instructor. He flew B-26's in the war.
Fitchburg, MA
Born April 1, 1920
Died November 7, 2012
Putnam, Allan Gardiner
Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated from Napier Field, Ala. S/N: O-798168. He was a fighter pilot assigned to the 51st Fighter Group 26th Fighter Sqdn flying missions over Burma and China. He is credited with 2 victories (see
From MA
Jane Putnam - wife
Of Bradenton, FL.
Raymond, Elmer Goldthwaite
Basic at Greenville, MS. S/N: O-798169. He was an AT-6 instructor pilot assigned to Napier Field and was killed in a flying training accident on April 23, 1943 near Headland, Alabama along with a cadet.
From NH
Riley, Willard Edwin
Basic at Greenville, MS
Ritter, Luther Kenneth
He graduated as a bombardier on June 3, 1943 with the Class of 43-08 at San Angelo AAFd in Texas, S/N: O-681762. He was a B-26 Marauder bombardier with the 320th Bomb Group aka "The Boomerang Group" participating in tactical missions over Europe. See
Birth: 16 JUN 1915 in Bethlehem Twp., Northampton Co., PA
Death: 6 SEP 1979 in Bushkill Twp., Northampton Co., PA
Burial: Hope Cemetery, Hecktown, Lower Nazareth Twp., Northampton Co., PA.
Rudisill, Murton York
Basic at Greenville, MS
From NC
Sewall, Eugene Trafton
Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated at Blytheville AAFd with the Class of 43B, S/N: O-797617. He was a B-17 pilot with the 92nd Bomb Group 407th Bomb Sqdn flying missions out of England.
From ME
Eugene T. Sewall
Shea, Paul Francis
Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated at Blytheville AA fld, Ark. S/N: O-797618. He was a B-24 pilot with the 392nd Bomb Group 579th Bomb Sqdn flying missions over Europe and was killed in a crash near his base at Wendling, England on March 6, 1944.
From MA
Paul F. Shea
Sigmon, Cecil Monroe
Basic at Greenville, MS. He was an AT-10 instructor pilot assigned to Blytheville AAFd in August 1943 and was a co-pilot of SB-17G flying southwest out of Hawaii where he was missing for a short time in August 1947.
From NC
Cecil M. Sigmon
Sitton, Kenneth Spotswood
Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated at Napier Field with the Class of 43B, S/N: O-798172. He was a P-47 Thunderbolt pilot with the 318th Fighter Group 19th Fighter Sqdn flying missions over the Central Pacific. From his obituary: He served as a fighter escort in the Caribbean out of Panama and Curacao. After transferring to the Pacific, he flew long-range fighter missions in P-47 Thunderbolts from the Mariana Islands and Okinawa as part of the 19th Fighter Squadron, 318th Fighter Group, 301st Fighter Wing, where he was promoted to First Lieutenant. He is credited with shooting down one enemy aircraft over Ie Shima Island in the Ryukyus, during the Okinawa campaign. Ken received the Air Medal with two oak leaf clusters for his combat tour (see Find-a-Grave).
Born Nov. 10, 1922, Chattanooga, TN
Died Apr. 14, 2012, Salem, SC
Skipper, Francis Henry
Basic at Greenville, MS. Stayed in Air Force and became a Colonel. See Newnansville Cemetery Section B in Alachua County, FL. From 2 Sep-3 Oct 1946, he was a Capt and commander of the 9th Air Force, formerly the XIX Tactical Air Command.
From Highlands County, FL.
Born Nov. 27, 1921
Died Apr 11, 1992
Smith, Harold Ivey
Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated at Napier Field with the Class of 43C, S/N: O-800602. He was a P-38 Lightning pilot with the 82nd Fighter Group 95th Fighter Sqdn flying missions in the Mediterranean Theater. On one of his first missions, he went Missing in Action on October 14, 1943. He was last seen on the Italian coast returning home from a mission to the Argos Airdrome in Greece (MACR #974B). He was declared dead and is listed on the "Missing in Action or Buried at Sea" Tablets of the Missing at Sicily-Rome American Cemetery, Nettuno, Italy. Purple Heart.
From NC
Sparling, Joseph Roberts Jr.
Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated at Napier Field with the Class of 43C, S/N: O-800605. He was a A-20G Havoc pilot with the 416th Bomb Group 670th Bomb Sqdn flying missions in the European Theater. He survived a crash landing on Aug. 12, 1944 (See
Steinhoff, Robert
Basic at Greenville, MS
Stephens, Jesse Benson Jr.
Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated at Napier Field with the Class of 43B, S/N: O-798174. He was a C-46 transport pilot with the 3rd Combat Cargo Group flying missions in the China Burma India Theater.
Strobel, Otis Ernest
Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated at George AAFd with the Class of 43B, S/N: O-798693. He was a B-17 pilot with the 388th Bomb Group 563rd Bomb Sqdn flying missions out of England and was killed in a flying accident (missing) on June 21, 1943. (MACR #004)
From NJ
Taylor, Jason Gordon
Basic at Greenville, MS. He graduated at Napier Field with the Class of 43B, S/N: O-798176. He was a B-25 pilot with the 321st Bomb Group 446th Bomber Sqdn flying missions in the Mediterranean Theater.
Tewksbury, Nelson Charles
He graduated at Napier Field with the Class of 43B. He was a P-47 Thunderbolt pilot with the 1st Air Commando Group 5th Fighter Sqdn flying tactical missions in the China Burma India Theater. (see Find-a-Grave)
Born Jun. 8, 1923
Died Jun. 12, 2010
From Rockingham County, NH
Trick, Wilkins Mitchell Jr.
Paul Schlundt was his instructor. He washed out at Basic at Greenville, MS.
Born 1915 in PA
Upchurch, Frank Drew Jr.
"Speedy” Palmer was his instructor. Basic at Greenville, MS. Graduated at Blytheville AA fld, Ark. S/N: O-797644. He served as Captain in the S. Pacific flying A-20's in the 673rd Bomb Sqdn (L), 417th Bomb Group.
Of St. Augustine, FL.
Mignon Upchurch - wife
Frank D. Upchurch
Varga, Emery James Jr.
S/N: O-687967. He was a B-24 navigator with the 445th Bomb Group 700th Bomb Sqdn flying missions out of England. On February 24, 1944 his group came under heavy attack while on a mission. His plane was hit; he and some of the others in his crew bailed out. He became a POW and was imprisoned at Luft Stalag 1. (MACR #2553)
From NJ
Yuravage, Albert Cornellus
Enlisted 19 Mar 1942 in Philadelphia.
Born Feb 2, 1921
Died May 13, 2004
From PA

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